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Re: Situation update - 1st May 2016

PostPosted: Thu May 05, 2016 10:18 pm
by abbath
when the meeting with Blizzard will be? when anything will be clear to the community?
we are waiting a month already and i think everyone WANT to know about the future steps!

Re: Situation update - 1st May 2016

PostPosted: Fri May 06, 2016 6:26 am
by DrownedBurrito
Redcap wrote:Nostalrius pledged to 'do the right thing' in releasing their latest patched version of the core. Nostalrius was under an obligation to do so to the Mangos crowd sourced project from which their base was taken.
You'd have a reasonable point here if not for the fact that Blizzard in the end are the ones who have rights to everything relating to WoW including different servers hosting their game. Nostalrius's obligation to Blizzard far outweighs any obligation to any other community if you really want to get technical with it. They're choosing not to release the Nostalrius data in good faith that Blizzard will cooperate in bringing in official legacy servers, which trumps any and all private WoW servers.

It's like arguing that thief A has an obligation to share stolen goods with thief B who helped them steal it, even though thief A gets offered a potential deal with the original owner of the goods if they don't share it with other thieves. That's essentially what you're arguing.

Re: Situation update - 1st May 2016

PostPosted: Fri May 06, 2016 7:03 am
by St0rfan
If we disregard the arguments of releasing the code vs not releasing it. Think about this: Not releasing the code gives them leverage towards blizzard making it more likely that blizzard will open legacy servers, which is the ultimate goal here. Personaly I dont give a shit about playing on private servers for free or if I have to pay a subscription as my only reason for playing private servers wanting to re-live vanilla.

Re: Situation update - 1st May 2016

PostPosted: Fri May 06, 2016 11:44 am
by BigJake
B. Nostalrius source code and database won’t be released

TLDR; "The MaNGOS community has been great and all, but now Blizz is suddenly giving us a chance to lick their balls, so, yeah, f the MaNGOS community."

Re: Situation update - 1st May 2016

PostPosted: Fri May 06, 2016 1:57 pm
by Wryshu
BigJake wrote:
B. Nostalrius source code and database won’t be released

TLDR; "The MaNGOS community has been great and all, but now Blizz is suddenly giving us a chance to lick their balls, so, yeah, f the MaNGOS community."

Stated so perfectly!

You guys who are new to the emu community don't understand that this is just history repeating itself. It's the same story so far: Group of guys takes MaNGOS code, tries (or does) profit, in this case trying to get jobs, contract, or just a taste of salty Blizzard balls, fails, then never gives back to the MaNGOS community.

There's a large number of players who want Blizzard to cave in and do a vanilla server, but the majority of us are fed up with Blizzard and know that, even it they do offer a vanilla server, will screw it up. Blizzard is not the same company it was in 2004. The only way players are going to get that nostalgic fix we all want is from our own community, and the best way to do that is for teams like nostalrius to give back to the MaNGOS community.

Why should the decision be left to Blizzard when the player community clearly able to take care of its own?

Blizzard abandoned vanilla and all it stood for a decade ago, their focus now is marketing to the pay-to-win MSORPG, "check out my mounts" crowd. Players who spend minimal time on their servers, who don't complain, and are still willing to hand over $15/mo. Less bandwidth/cpu/support-time, Max return.

They don't want a vocal community who spends 4+ hrs a day on their servers, and given activision's direction to date, Blizzard will not be allowed to go in that direction anyway. The returns would be minimal if any at all even with 200k subs. The numbers don't work and you guys are barking up the wrong tree.

Re: Situation update - 1st May 2016

PostPosted: Fri May 06, 2016 2:54 pm
by Snibb
Well, it's all speculation until after the meeting, including what I think will happen. (also, if you've been following twitter, there isn't a set date yet, so how do you expect them to give you a date that doesn't exist yet?)

A. Blizz agrees to make legacy servers that are true to vanilla, but requires Nost to not release code, Nost likely doesn't release the code but might still do so. (albeit not publicly)

B. Blizz doesn't agree to legacy servers, asks Nost to not release code, but I strongly believe they will anyways.

Nost team has been good to the community, true to vanilla, so let it play out without acting immature, selfish, and impatient. This community is supposed to be more mature. Saying their motives are selfish is extremely jaded and shortsighted.
Blizz meeting with Nost shows they're willing to listen, which appears to be a huge change in their MO. Who knows though, Blizz might have some other angle that we don't know about. Time will tell.

Re: Situation update - 1st May 2016

PostPosted: Fri May 06, 2016 4:05 pm
by bestsugardaddy
if vanilla servers return with a periodic payment i wont be returning. nostalrius was free one of the reasons it had a great player base.
also curious, if blizzard agrees to release vanilla servers, does that mean they made the wrong decisions that ruined the game

Re: Situation update - 1st May 2016

PostPosted: Fri May 06, 2016 4:26 pm
by Marcas
It does seem that when they release the vanilla servers (they will! I can feel it!), they will be admitting to their faults and seriously contradicting what they have been saying for years. Since WoTLK they have been saying its impossible to create vanilla servers. How will they handle this major contradiction? Possibly by claiming that a small group of fans (Nost) made possible, what a huge multi-billion dollar company could not?

Re: Situation update - 1st May 2016

PostPosted: Fri May 06, 2016 4:42 pm
by dusky
i thought nevergrim was bulgarian idiot but his post was actually pretty accurate to what i think. i used to respect nost for experience it gave me but now it kinda feels that it sold out to blizzard and i just lost loads of my time playing it . i dont respect nost anymore i was glad for the time spent here but now i just moved to another server and dont care about future of these sold out ppl.

Re: Situation update - 1st May 2016

PostPosted: Fri May 06, 2016 5:18 pm
by AiinzOuroGoon
Snibb wrote:Well, it's all speculation until after the meeting, including what I think will happen. (also, if you've been following twitter, there isn't a set date yet, so how do you expect them to give you a date that doesn't exist yet?)

If it even exists at all...there's a part of me that thinks the meeting date will be left hanging, conveniently until the fuss has all died down and until after Legion releases. Then it's "oh look, no-one seems to want legacy servers anymore so we have no incentive to create or licence it. Now be a good boy and don't release that code/data, as we now know what you look/sound like as well as your names and where you live etc."