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PSA - Roleplayers should consolidate (PVP server)

PostPosted: Fri Nov 20, 2015 2:10 am
by Falnu
Roleplaying is a really tight niche in the Nostalrius World, while boisterous and making a vast amount of the player base in Retail WoW, RP on Nostalrius has stagnated for several key reasons: the small size of the server means less Roleplayers, different languages means language barriers, or poor English/sentence structure making it difficult to bridge the gap through formative or concrete Roleplay. The issue itself has become polarized between the two servers both PvE, or PvP, and the PvP side of Roleplay has sincerely suffered because of it, limited the Roleplay to several Guilds with varying levels of activity and disproportionate members. Due to the extremities of these issues and the stress it has on the RP Community on NostalriusPvP I recommend we do not niche the server even further by splitting up our characters into sparsely niche guilds, but rather join guilds with a heavy-member base and continue RP through that module, the reasoning being that to essentially be labeled as an RPer in NostalriusPvP, you have to have in some form an association with a Guild, without it, it can only be assumed that you are just another player, as there are no designated 'Player Hubs'. I belong to a Guild that I am roughly satisfied with because of its playerbase and the quality as well as size as its RP, this isn't a product placement as much as a point that in a tight community, we find strength in collaboration and numbers as opposed to isolation in RP, creating a niche into a timeframe which RP should be AMAZING with the Lore that has yet to be retconned.

To wrap this all up, the reason I write this is because the value I see in this Community and in the Players who take Roleplay with a detailed level of quality and seriousness means for a tighter community that is unforeseen to popular retail servers, that suffer from an opposite problem, death through TOO MANY Roleplayers, creating mainstream guilds that counteract the idea of quality RP but rather streamlined RP. In Nostalrius, in our RP Community, where we to consolidate our RP and flesh out the niche of our Community into one or two Guilds, the effects that it would have on our experience of the game, the continuity of RP, the quality of RP, and the experience gained by the members within the RP Guild, would create an interesting dynamic to progress the Server as a whole and get more out of a game than just grouping up for raids or PvP. The investment on story arc and intricate designs of Characters in this theorized social hub would flow far better than randoms walking into Pubs and sitting down, saying nothing, because a Guild forces interaction. The biggest problem with the RP Community is the lack of communication between its members, and therefore the lack of knowledge or awareness of the situation or events surrounding the Community. If we address these issues, it'll be more clear for people new to Nostalrius or otherwise inactive in the RP scene.

If you wanna talk about this more fleshed out, whisper me in game, Falnu, or comment on this thread.

Re: PSA - Roleplayers should consolidate (PVP server)

PostPosted: Fri Nov 20, 2015 10:35 pm
by itomon
These questions have been raised by this RP initative:

Teamspeak server:
password: RP

Re: PSA - Roleplayers should consolidate (PVP server)

PostPosted: Fri Nov 20, 2015 11:52 pm
by Falnu
Unfortunately it was more of a PSA then a question, I was more so telling others that they need to find active and large sized guilds, Alliance RP, The Order, (which I'm already in) or other guilds are perfect examples of them. I'm not exactly looking for an advertisement to join a Guild, nor an idea of a Guild that just lobs everyone into one slot, more so to get the RP base interconnected and motivated to join these Guilds for the RP as a whole to start rolling.

Re: PSA - Roleplayers should consolidate (PVP server)

PostPosted: Sat Nov 21, 2015 7:06 am
by itomon
the points (not the questions) you raised in the OP are the same who motivated the RP initiative, so I saw fit to relate the two; also, Alliance RP and Horde RP were created based exactly on what you just said in your OP! ^^