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The Order: Stonetalon Mountains

PostPosted: Sat Nov 21, 2015 7:11 am
by Falnu
Disclaimer: This text serves as a Prologue of an upcoming Event with <The Order> , if you are interested in getting involved, message me Falnu, as I am our Ambassador to Kalimdor relations.

The Attack of Stonetalon Peak

Falnu overlooked the Grove, its glistening peaks jutting in different directions as if Nature herself was outstretching her arms to envelop the land. Falnu loved and knew this land well, but in these trying times it was difficult not to stop and temper his mind with the sights and beauties the Land of Eternal Starlight had to offer. Falnu shook off his thoughts, and pivoted to walk off the balcony of the elongated building, decorated in designs of crescent moons indicative of both Druidic and Sentinel collaboration. A Moonwell stood in what could only be described as a Courtyard of tuft grass, twisted thorns, and red soil that led up to the Keeper Albagorm, who stood chanting in his normal habitat, blessing the Moonwell for fights to come. Perhaps an even more peculiar sight to Falnu was the Glyph of Harmony, a stone centered at the middle of the Moonwell, pieced together by both the Elements and Nature to signify a peace between the two planar entities, even long before Falnu's time of the Sundering. To the Druids of this Grove, it was a sacred item, and wielded power to keep the pines and mountains as endless as time, allowing the Guardians of the Grove to stand ever vigilant with the aid of token Sentinel forces who were there in preserving a Night Elf -- and even more importantly-- an Alliance presence in the region.

Falnu bowed deeply, albeit this Keeper was foreign to him, as he tended to spend his time in the wooded areas of Ashenvale, the code of a Druid of the Wild meant respect for all who belonged to Nature's whim, even the stranger.

"Falnu." Albagorm smiled, his antlers jutted as pristine as the mountains had behind him, their prowess had been remarkably far more superior than any Keeper Falnu had ever spotted.

"Yes, Keeper?" Falnu's expression was blank, he knew the seriousness of Albagorm's voice, even when masked behind the sincere and genuine salutations.

Albagorm sighed, his eyes weary now, his appearance no longer fooled Falnu. "I fear the worse, and the Alliance has not come despite my requests.. the Battles of Warsong Gulch and skirmishes in Ashenvale are their priority in Kalimdor, even the Sentinels give as much."

Falnu tilted his head. "What might I do for you Keeper, shall I have an audience with the Sentinels, lobby their courts on your behalf?"

Albagorm shook his head. "No, I would have you do me a far greater favor-- I have learned of your position, as many have throughout the upper echelons of Kalimdor, that you represent The Order here in Kalimdor, the group that picks up work where the Alliance leaves it?"

Falnu nodded. "Just recently, and to that degree, I think I understand your request. I can write a letter to my Headmaster nearly immediately, Kantius is his name, and he is a just man-- capable of heeding my call-- but I ask, what is the issue?"

Without warning, and perhaps, on poor timing, the ground began to shook at such magnitudes that Falnu himself thought that the earth was shaking-- But as he looked towards the hills, rallied were fifty Taurens, their fur as black as soot, and their visage as weary and gruesome as the cruel barbs they wielded, with torches in their hand they stood in unison, the Forests shook, abandoning the tranquility for the calamity to come.

Albagorm seemingly ignored Falnu, reaching for a horn, and sounding its call, the token force of perhaps fifteen guards from the Lodge came down armed, and with that twenty Dryads rushed from the trees, rallying in the 'courtyard'-- The Tauren ignored all of this, as if waiting on command, prepared for battle, and waiting to issue an ultimatum.

The Grove itself was small in size, and thus outnumbered by the Tauren that seemed to grow to what Falnu thought was seventy, as more Tauren marched forward, wearing strapped tattered leather, and in many cases duel-wielding axes, the Dryads assembled in a line formation.

Falnu's hair rose on his skin, he grabbed his staff, and sunk to the back of the lines that now opposed the Tauren who stood on the Hill, he was reluctant to fight as usual, and would offer his support in Healing, but as it stood, the two sides stood off, one by far out numbered than the other-- Albagorm emerged at the front of the lines, bellowing with an authoritative call.

"In the name of the late Cenarius, what do you Grimtotem seek but war?"

They responded back, their leader taking a step forward, he was a rather large Tauren, built with a jet-black mane. "We are the Ash-Coven, we serve no one but for one purpose- Charge!" The Tauren immediately leaped at his command, the thunderous and compelling roar of hooves coupled with the sounds of swords unsheathed by their scabbards, flung high into the air in a charge, sent shocks throughout Falnu's body, as the line held against the massive creatures, vine, spear, and glaive could not hold against the Tauren forever, and it proved inevitable that the forces of the Grove would be pushed gradually back into the Lodge, where the Tauren ceased their pursuit and turned to flee, it was with great sorrow that Albagorm and the others found the Glyph of Harmony had been stolen, and several Dryad corpses lay on the ground, amidst the scorched earth and ash brought on by the torches that Tauren had dropped to set ablaze the sacred grove.

After putting out the fires was grief finally setting in to the Defenders of the Grove, but for Albagorm where sorrow was, vanished swiftly to be replaced with a desire to return the Glyph of Harmony.

"Falnu, go, retrieve The Order.. and bring them here.. Time is not on our side."

With that, Falnu left, and the Grove remained shattered.


Part 1- Summary of Decisions

The Order has arrived in the Grove with the difficult decision of establishing provisions to be in pursuit of the Ash Coven, that Falnu had, in the spare time, traced them to be in flight towards the Thousand Needles. Trackings and other evidence had suggested that the Ash Coven established bases along the route to deter any pursuit-- while small in number, the leadership of The Order decided wisely that no casualty on their behalf may be taken lightly, and so their choice would be to dodge any camps on their way, utilizing and maximizing their stealth units to potentially sabotage the camps and/or eliminate them as necessary. After having planned the retrieval of the Glyph of Harmony, the Order still has no clue as to why this 'Ash Coven' would seek the Glyph, or to whom they serve. Whenever Kantius deems necessary, The Order will begin its deadly pursuit against the Ash Coven, knowing full well they leave themselves exposed to the Horde or other entities that intercept them on their journey, and thus most members will be called to service, while some may be left behind to preserve token forces. (aka too low levels)

OOC Summary -

This is a multi-layered event, that will take possibly a Month to complete the Story Arc, whisper me if you want to be involved or want to join The Order in general. Trolls will not be tolerated and will be blacklisted/ignored.