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Unable to download client - Mac OSX & Safari

PostPosted: Sat Jan 23, 2016 4:06 pm
by Clean Sanchez
As per the subject.

Any help greatly appreciated.

I gather that Mega will just plain not work if I run Safari?

A torrent link would be a good work around.

Help please!

Re: Unable to download client - Mac OSX & Safari

PostPosted: Sat Jan 23, 2016 8:50 pm
by Valandar
Why make two threads about the same thing? Your only option would be to download a new browser and install it through that browser and not through the mega client. There are no official torrents that I'm aware of. Another thing is, vanilla didn't originally have an OSX client, and because of that lots of people run into issues with it.

I would recommend using wine or booting from windows and running the windows client for less issues.

Re: Unable to download client - Mac OSX & Safari

PostPosted: Sat Jan 23, 2016 8:51 pm
by Dish
Use chrome and download with that through the nost-link. I have zero issues on my macbook with that client.

Re: Unable to download client - Mac OSX & Safari

PostPosted: Sat Jan 23, 2016 10:53 pm
by Clean Sanchez
Valandar wrote:Why make two threads about the same thing?

Sorry about two threads. I thought the first attempt at posting didn't work. Didn't notice (the first time) a message on the screen to inform me that all posts are admin checked before appearing.

Valandar wrote:Your only option would be to download a new browser and install it through that browser and not through the mega client.

Aside from this issue, Safari is my browser of choice. Will avoid the "browser X" better than "browser Y" troll bait here lol.

Valandar wrote:There are no official torrents that I'm aware of.

So I'm a punter. Grabbed a likely looking one off the 'net. Torrented it. Done in an hour or two. Will delete the WTF folder, patch the server list and give it a go after I have posted this.

Valandar wrote:Another thing is, vanilla didn't originally have an OSX client, and because of that lots of people run into issues with it.

As a Mac user and a long term Retail WoW player of almost a decade here it is: Intel Macs supported natively since Prior to that PPC. I am assuming that since Nostalrius is 1.12 and the dmg file I downloaded purports to be 1.12 and OSX then there will not be a problem.

(TLDR: Vanilla WoW most certainly did have Mac support)

Valandar wrote:I would recommend using wine or booting from windows and running the windows client for less issues.

The computer I am on is Mac OSX only. I want to avoid a OSX vs Windows vs Linux troll fest here too lol.