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Hello! Lf guild and some info

PostPosted: Thu Mar 17, 2016 2:03 pm
by viq
First of all welcome Everyone!

I am new to the server. Been playing wow since the very beginning. Started on a private server called umbras, hopefully someone remembers it. Great times with great people.

I started playing on a official servers during t3 progression. Since then I am very successfully player, got some noticable achievements like realm/Polish first and top kills. Worldwide ranks between 37 and 120 most of the time.

But since cata I am missing something, the very specific thrill that vanilla gave me when looting my first epic or discovering the whole, wonderfull world.

That's why I decided to give it a shot and try your server guys. Currently looking for a friendly guild to begin my journey once again as I am only lvl 6 now.

Hope this will be worth my efforts and I'll be able to experience all that wonderfull moments once again.

Best regards,
Viqx, Tauren Protection Warrior.