Arms Warrior - PvP

Arms Warrior - PvP

by Törky » Thu Nov 19, 2015 11:08 am

There is nice and shiny sticky posts for Prot/Fury Warriors, but no mention about Arms Warriors, especially PvP ones.

I'm still on questing (for rather long time still), but my aim is to do mostly PvP on level 60 (Horde Orc). I also prefer to do world PvP while questing. So my questions are: (I have patience to read also walls of text and novels about Arms warrior PvP. :D )

Talents during leveling:
  • I understood that I should go first at Fury and later on switch to Arms for leveling purposes? How this works if I encounter some sweet Allys on my way?

Talents on level 60:

BiS gear?
  • Sadly I don't have time to raid, so my "BiS" gear will comes from other sources. I suppose the "Blue" PvP set is something where I aim for at starters. What about the weapon? What would Ultimate BiS list look like (raids included)?
  • Short BiS list while leveling. PvP trinket asap, rank 2? Whirlwind Axe at level 30... something else?

  • Crusader for weapon. What about the rest?

Must have Macros & Addons:
  • Stance dance macros? Charge/intercept macro? What about the handy addons?

Gameplay tips & tricks. 1 vs 1 against each class:
  • Gameplay tips & tricks for Warrior?
  • What I do in 1 vs 1 situation against each class?

I will gladly hear comments also from Alliance side, but I still gank you hard. ;)
Thank you.

Re: Arms Warrior - PvP

by ShaqPack » Thu Nov 19, 2015 8:40 pm

How about reading one of the guides on this topic?

Re: Arms Warrior - PvP

by Törky » Fri Nov 20, 2015 6:29 am

ShaqPack wrote:How about reading one of the guides on this topic?

Thanks, I found a great guide for the Macros!

Re: Arms Warrior - PvP

by GetYouBarbara » Thu Jan 07, 2016 7:00 pm

I disagree with the talent spec posted in the OP. I'd go with something like this: ... 0000000000
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Re: Arms Warrior - PvP

by DanielGames » Fri Jan 08, 2016 1:13 pm

Stoneslayer is a really nice slow 2hander that I'm still using (lvl 53). It's one of the 3 drops off the last boss in Uldaman. Only upgrade I can think of after that and before 60 is the spear from the AV Korrak quest (I think the sword is still slightly better if you're sword spec though). There's also an axe off a rare ogre in lbrs but I hate lbrs and you should too.

Don't put points in anger management, like, ever. Everything else seems fine. Here's my personal preference: ... 0000000000

Here are some macros I use:

Code: Select all
/unbuff Emerald Raptor
/run if not IsCurrentAction(37) then UseAction(37) end;
/cast Hamstring
/cast Intercept

37 is where I place autoattack on my bars. Make a charge version of this macro too. If you don't ride an emerald raptor then I don't know what to tell you. It's the best mount.

Code: Select all
/cast Shield Bash
/run local texture,name,isActive,isCastable = GetShapeshiftFormInfo(3); if isActive then CastSpellByName("Pummel"); else CastSpellByName("Berserker Stance()"); end;

My all purpose interrupt in battle stance. If you have shield equipped then you'll shield bash. If not then you'll change to zerker stance to pummel. If you have shield equipped and spam this, you'll change to zerker stance regardless.

Code: Select all
/eq Stoneslayer
/eq Thrash Blade
/eq Lord's Crest of the Tiger

My weapon swap macro. You'll have to change this for every time you get a new weapon or shield. Be careful not to use this macro while having the vendor window open! You will sell your items instead and if you logout before realising it's gg because gms won't restore lost items here.

If anyone has a good list of pvp items from quests and dungeons then please post what you know because I'm also interested in this and it would save me a lot of time. Only must have I current know of are the Death Grips from Strath UD (disarm immunity).
Zouleika - Troll Warrior "Requests curse of reck and tanks with a 2hander? I like this guy"
Gerwulf - Horde Paladin "Where the fuck you been?"
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Re: Arms Warrior - PvP

by Lingon » Sat Jan 09, 2016 12:20 pm

Those macros require the supermacro addon right?

Regarding Anger Management: It IS good, a constant 1 rage every 3 sec. Might not seem much, but it happens a lot that it puts you just in range of using an ability instead of just sitting / running around like a big dummy.

Regarding leveling, a lot of people herald fury as the almost imbah-best spec. It's slightly stronger, but a lot the strength comes from Enrage, which locks the essential PvP talent Tactical Mastery away until almost level 40 (when you'll want MS for any pvp scenarios anyway). If you're intent on PvPing while leveling (you should, it's fun!), I'd say stick to arms. Since you'll want the WW axe, get axe spec to start with ... 0000000000
Before 60, really only spec sword spec if you do get Stoneslayer. Mace spec, and Improved Hamstring too, has dubious functionality right now, so skip them.

Get the run speed enchant on your boots, until you have AB revered boots anyway..

Re: Arms Warrior - PvP

by DanielGames » Sat Jan 09, 2016 1:29 pm

Lingon wrote:Those macros require the supermacro addon right?

Maybe. I don't have those in my super macro storage though.

Lingon wrote:Regarding Anger Management: It IS good, a constant 1 rage every 3 sec. Might not seem much, but it happens a lot that it puts you just in range of using an ability instead of just sitting / running around like a big dummy.

Maybe I'm misreading the tooltip and what you wrote, but it sounds like you're describing the TBC Anger Management talent. If the functionality is still +1 rage / 3 sec in vanilla then my fault for never trying it out. I skip it always because I usually execute to finish most of my targets unless I have a ton of rage to make it not worth it.

Lingon wrote:Before 60, really only spec sword spec if you do get Stoneslayer. Mace spec, and Improved Hamstring too, has dubious functionality right now, so skip them.

What's wrong with imp hamstring? It's always worked fine for me.
Zouleika - Troll Warrior "Requests curse of reck and tanks with a 2hander? I like this guy"
Gerwulf - Horde Paladin "Where the fuck you been?"
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Re: Arms Warrior - PvP

by Zetox » Sat Jan 09, 2016 3:20 pm

Anger Management always functioned as 1 rage per 3 seconds in Vanilla, the tooltip description is misleading.
Essentially Angerment Management is a passive Improved Berserker Rage off GCD for 1 Talent point, amazing imo.
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Re: Arms Warrior - PvP

by DanielGames » Sat Jan 09, 2016 4:00 pm

Zetox wrote:Anger Management always functioned as 1 rage per 3 seconds in Vanilla, the tooltip description is misleading..

Wow I never would have known. Good info guys. Thanks.
Zouleika - Troll Warrior "Requests curse of reck and tanks with a 2hander? I like this guy"
Gerwulf - Horde Paladin "Where the fuck you been?"
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Re: Arms Warrior - PvP

by Lingon » Sat Jan 09, 2016 5:29 pm

DanielGames wrote:
Lingon wrote:Before 60, really only spec sword spec if you do get Stoneslayer. Mace spec, and Improved Hamstring too, has dubious functionality right now, so skip them.

What's wrong with imp hamstring? It's always worked fine for me.

Oh it might be an error that it doesn't work unless its fully filled, mentioned in another thread here. shadowpriests have the same problem with Shadow Weaving I think.


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