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Rogue poison proc animation :S

PostPosted: Fri Jan 08, 2016 1:25 pm
by Muskel
This is an issue that really bothers someone like myself, but might not bother other people. When the poison procs on the target the rogue does a cast animation, wich wasnt the case in vanilla (for the most part) you can look up old school vanilla rogue pvp videos and see that it does not occur. Is there anything to do to make it stop the cast animation so I can stab my target with my daggers and not my hands? If this could get fixed I would be so happy :mrgreen:

Re: Rogue poison proc animation :S

PostPosted: Fri Jan 08, 2016 4:32 pm
by Youfie
You're wrong, you can indeed look it up on old videos, and this cast animation is Blizzlike :/.

Re: Rogue poison proc animation :S

PostPosted: Sat Jan 09, 2016 12:15 pm
by fordragon77
It's intended because they count as an instant cast spell but I really like it. It makes it more exciting for me to see the casting animation as well. Without it rogues would be too dull imo. It just makes it more juicy.

Re: Rogue poison proc animation :S

PostPosted: Sun Jan 10, 2016 3:49 pm
by Muskel Where do you see the animation here Youfie? this is weird to me

Re: Rogue poison proc animation :S

PostPosted: Sun Jan 10, 2016 6:52 pm
by Youfie
Yeah there are tons of videos where you see the proc animation just being the green instant-cast spell without the Rogue sheathing weapons, and some other examples clearly show them sheathing their weapon.

On this video (World of Roguecraft - Episode 1), we can see @ 6'23'', against the Mage in the cave, Kishkumen's weapons being put back on his waist and shit upon a poison proc.

I don't know exactly how it worked. Maybe only Poisons procs yellow abilities caused the "full" poison animation, or maybe it just wasn't always played because other animation taking place at the same time prevented the character to play it (just like when you have +haste, like SnD / BF, your character don't actually visually swings as much at your target as shown by the combat log, there some kind of "your character can only perform 1 spell animation per X second" thing to prevent your character from being visually too fast or something).

I honestly don't pay much attention on Nostalrius whether the full poison animation with weapon sheathing and shit is played more than the "soft" one (with just green hands), but the whole animation definitely existed on retail vanilla :).

Re: Rogue poison proc animation :S

PostPosted: Mon Jan 11, 2016 5:20 pm
by Slytheryn
I could be wrong, but I noticed you seem to get the animation with some poisons (instant) but not others (crippling).

Re: Rogue poison proc animation :S

PostPosted: Wed Jan 13, 2016 9:35 am
by XJ9
Muskel wrote:This is an issue that really bothers someone like myself, but might not bother other people. When the poison procs on the target the rogue does a cast animation, wich wasnt the case in vanilla (for the most part) you can look up old school vanilla rogue pvp videos and see that it does not occur.

He gouged and his poison procced resulting in that animation. It happened in Vanilla it just wasn't as clear because it wasn't as pronounced usually because your swing animations would take priority on animation.

Examine that very fight a bit further and when poison procs he's mid attack animation so he gets the particles instead because the client is committed to displaying that animation instead.

I think the reason it happens is because the game doesn't want to cancel mid animation or else a lot of things would look poorly made and generally clunky. So in the event of poison proccing in a swing it just did the particle in addition to the animation of the actual attack. Particles being the puffs of green smoke.

Though things like gouge don't have conflicting animations with the instant cast animation, which is why sometimes on gouge or eviscerate for undead males you got that weird outstretched hand character spin if that attack procced a poison. At least that's my thought on the matter.

Keep in mind poison procs happen on attack, so generally you'd have an attack animation already being played so it wasn't noticed. If I had to say, it'd be the client has a built in line or code to only play one animation at a time, though on vanilla emulation that isn't really there. Just a thought, in no way is it fact for sure but it's the best example I've got.