Best profession for hunter?

Best profession for hunter?

by Lord_james46517 » Thu Feb 26, 2015 11:50 pm

I've always been a fan of engineering for hunters. It gets you decent guns, you can make ammo, and (IMO) any hunter that doesn't have goblin jumper cables isn't fulfilling his role in the group. What do you people think?

Re: Best profession for hunter?

by Eyeful » Fri Feb 27, 2015 3:01 am

Out the gate on a fresh server, might be decent idea to nab LW/skin to grab your 2p devil set first (and a few cured leather along the way). Afterwards, I would say dropping for eng/mine (or w/e 2nd you want; herb might be nice to pay for bills) mainly for cables, and ammo. The guns aren't actually that great for their cost. Though you will also have a chance to access the hit scope pattern for later, which is very handy (not to mention the normal scopes).

Eng isn't the only choice, depending on how you want to play, you can pick w/e suits your style. Though, most will ask you to be an eng as a hunter in a raid oriented guild.
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Re: Best profession for hunter?

by Valcyn » Fri Feb 27, 2015 5:08 am

Really any relevant profession. Sell leathers on AH or use them to create armor and sell too. Just make gold, worry about the intricacies of level 60 when actually at 60 :D
Valcyn - Night Elf Huntress
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Re: Best profession for hunter?

by arrows » Fri Feb 27, 2015 3:52 pm

As others have said anything you want to do should be viable.

LW / skinning = save yourself some money on making devilsaur gear and armor packs. You can also skin raid / 10man trash with a +skinning dagger(?)

herb / alch = make yourself pots to stay alive longer. Sell pots (mana pots especially) on the ah for money. Mongoose also does well.

Engi / .... = make yourself a bit more useful in pvp. I remember smoke bombs being especially useful.

tailor / enchant = enchant your gear and sell enchants at lv 60.

smith / mine = sell ore and arcanite stones for BANK. make arc reapers / other high end stuff for warriors.

Anything you want to do will work, it just depends on how you want to play. I'll most likely be doing tail / ench on my hunter to start to have lots of de mats for later, then switch to lw / skin. Play around, after you get a 60 mount gathering is stupid easy.
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Re: Best profession for hunter?

by tosheybellamy » Fri Feb 27, 2015 3:57 pm

Wut about the good ol' dragonscale LW? ; ( Best eu
Toshey - Night elf hunter
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Re: Best profession for hunter?

by Eyeful » Fri Feb 27, 2015 4:39 pm

DS from LW was only good for the FR it gave. Seeing how people back then probably weren't aware of a lot of things we are now, the resistance isn't worth the stat drop from other gear. FR pots, and MCing the lbrs mob for the +FR buff is more than enough, and was usually only ever done on rag progression (or if you really, really needed it, baron).
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