Level 60 healing spec

Level 60 healing spec

by Cohacq » Wed Jan 06, 2016 7:15 pm

I'm currently leveling as Shadow spec with plans to change to being a healer at 60. I don't remember what spec I used back in Classic but this is the best I've come up with. Are there better choices when building a dedicated healer priest?

https://en.nostalrius.org/talents/pries ... 0000000000

Re: Level 60 healing spec

by Garfunkel » Wed Jan 06, 2016 8:08 pm

I would use this if your aim is raid healing:



Unbreakable Will - additional 15% chance to resist stun, fear and silence? Helps more in raids than increasing your wand damage.

Silent Resolve - helps with aggro issues though you shouldn't really have much problems with that unless the tanks are awful. As I think Martyrdom to be pretty much useless, I put one here to get to the next tier.

Improved PW:F and PW:S - self-explanatory. More stamina for the raid is always good and though you shouldn't use PWS that much, it's better that it can absorb more damage when you do use it.

Meditation - a must have.

Inner Focus - useful combined with prayer of healing for those oh shit situations. Speeds up buffing as well when you combine it with the stamina prayer that's a mana hog.

Mental Agility - makes Renew and PWS cheaper to use but it's not a must. There's not that many other places to put the five points either though. You only need Mana Burn for one encounter in ZG and you shouldn't be getting hit by melee in raids. So 10% off the mana cost for instants is better in my opinion.

Divine Spirit - for raid buffing.


Healing Focus - there are a significant number of raid encounters where the raid will take AOE damage and you want pushback protection.

Holy Specialization - three points here to get to the next tier. In raid healing, you're not relying on crits and they mostly just cause overhealing but Renew is often wasted as overhealing as well. In your core raiding group, it should be enough for just one priest to have Improved Renew and then they will be the only priest to use it. Thus, increased crit chance that helps with keeping Inspiration up on tanks is more useful in my mind.

Divine Fury - must have, pretty self-explanatory.

Spell Warding - I put one point here to get to higher tiers. The dmg reduction is pretty minimal so if you want, you could as well put it to Holy Spec and have more chances for Inspiraton to proc.

Holy Nova - now this is slightly controversial. You don't really need Holy Nova for raids, as you can use PoH instead at Vael and it's a really wasteful healing spell to use. But if you want to farm DME or flush out sneaky rogues while on your way to the raid, it's quite useful. You could put the point here to Holy Spec as well. I like to have at, just in case, to have more tools in my toolbox.

Inspiration - a must have. Once your gear is good enough, you can be spamming Heal rank 1 on the tank all fight long without going OOM, ensuring that Inspiration is up most of the time. If all your raid tanks are at maximum armour already, then it's of course wasted points.

Improved Healing - a must have of course.

Holy Reach - I take this over Searing Light because I'm not doing damage in the first place and if I have to use Holy Nova or Prayer of Healing, the extra range is useful.

Spiritual Guidance - a must have for obvious reasons.

Spiritual Healing - a must have for obvious reasons.

Why no Lightwell or Spirit of Redemption? Lightwell buff requires players to interact with it and goes away as soon as they take damage. There might be a situation once in a blue moon where it's useful but that's it. If SoR made your spells instant cast, it would be great but as it is, you'll get one or two casts and it's done. You shouldn't be dying in the first place and while it's possible that a lucky SoR can achieve victory from the jaws of wipe, it's pretty damn rare.

Note that if you're doing 5-mans or PvPing, then your spec should be different. This is purely for raid healing.
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