Priest racial

Re: Priest racial

by Trull » Wed Feb 25, 2015 11:52 pm

Right, I'm not even going to bother replying towards the Horde side of the Priesthood due to the fact that I havent played either myself.

As for Alliance this is a whole other matter and I consider myself a, in private server terms speaking, fairly experienced. First of all, I have spent more time playing a human then I have playing a dwarf but even despite this, the dwarf racials just flat out takes a dump on top of the human racials when it comes to actual gameplay - both pvp and pve wise.

Lets just do a count for it. Both has an emergency button in the name of Desperate Prayer and this is indeed an amazing lifesaver from time to time due to having no mana cost and being instant. Beyond that its a completely different experience. Lets face it, that 5% extra spirit is barely noticeable and now we're talking proper endgame wardrobe I tell you, rest assure the difference will be even lower the lower level content gear you have. Thats about what Humans has to go with when it goes to PVE. In pvp you will have both Perception and Feedback, but lets be honest - Holy Nova Rank 1 is way more effective at detecting hidden targets and who the fuck remembers to use Feedback eh?

Now as for a Dwarf this opens up a completely different level of gameplay. You're able to plan out Fear Wards before the encounters, be all important for once and actually have someone else depending on you. Stoneform is great for some fights where you take alot of Poison damage - Viscidus in AQ40 and Grobbulus in Naxx are two great, great examples of this being effective. Same goes for PVP, you still have the stealth detectability in Holy Nova Rank 1, but you also - thanks to your increased mobility from Fear Ward and Stoneform is one of the most amazing and fun to play flag carry classes there is in game.

As of Shadow Priests? Who wins the duel, the one with or without the fearward?

King regards,

Re: Priest racial

by reddeffect » Thu Feb 26, 2015 7:54 am

Trull wrote:
As of Shadow Priests? Who wins the duel, the one with or without the fearward?

The one who dispels fear ward
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Re: Priest racial

by Trull » Thu Feb 26, 2015 11:42 am

It all comes down to a mindgame ;)


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