Dwarf Priest Looking for a PvE centred guild.

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Dwarf Priest Looking for a PvE centred guild.

by Priestly » Thu Feb 26, 2015 10:39 pm

Hi, I'm relatively new to this scene, but since finding out about a new vanilla server with a very vanilla feel and not just a steamroll mentality I have been very much interested. I'm going to try to keep this on point and not babble too much, but if I do, my apologizes.

I am in the UK and so on a GMT zone, I'd be looking for a guild pref around this time zone, but my uni scheduled does allow me to stretch this out to American and Oceanic Timezones if the guild is promising enough.

- I will be playing a Dwarf priest for the sexy fear ward and I'm an experienced priest player, playing from early BC to current expansion mainly as a priest in some description, I've been on a few Vanilla servers, however I've been deterred by either the lack of a dedicated player base, or simply the idea of having to be run through content to get gear rather than doing it myself due to the age of the server.

- I will be making myself both a Healing set and a Shadow set. Understanding the current 8 limits of Debuff I understand that some guilds may be wary of taking a class like a Spriest, but I am very experienced and willing to heal until the point where the guild feels it viable and that I am an acceptable candidate. So If you need a healer, I am open for taking that spot, but if you are accepting a single shadow priest, I would be more than willing.

- To add to my previous comment, I will be going Herb/Alch for the required boat load of potions I'd require as well as to help any guild i'm part of. As well as actually enjoying fishing I can be of great help in the gathering and creation of flasks and potions when that point comes up.

- I have a detailed knowledge of Vanilla tactics and an excellent raid ethic. Due to my no-lifeedness I can easily attend most if not all raids.

And as a final summation point, I am looking for a serious, dedicated but still fun loving Raiding guild. I want to tear through the content not with overpowered gear but with skill and dedication, I'd like to do that in a place of like minded people but still enjoy myself doing so. I hope to hear from a guild or two soon, I know I'm leaving it very close to launch when many rosters have already pre-filled. But if you are willing to give a fear-warder a shot, I'd be very much thankful.

Re: Dwarf Priest Looking for a PvE centred guild.

by vandarr » Sat Apr 25, 2015 7:16 am

hey, im sure you found a group to accept you, but in case you haven't I may be forming a guild of what all seems to be experienced groups and would be glad to have you, unfortunately we are just coming to the server so we have a bit to catch up on.

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