Whats the best race for lock iyo?

Whats the best race for lock iyo?

by CecilJohn » Wed Sep 02, 2015 5:09 am

Just asking.
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Re: Whats the best race for lock iyo?

by Roophies » Wed Sep 02, 2015 8:07 am

Well You did Not specify Faction So

Alliance: Gnome for the extra mana it's really nothing tho so alliance can just pick what suits you the best.

Horde: Orc with bloodfury for PVE and undead for PVP with WotF

Re: Whats the best race for lock iyo?

by Numi » Wed Sep 02, 2015 10:23 am

I'd say Orc horde side for PvP as well, since the stun resistance is pretty big (the largest threat to you are rogues) and you should be running a felhunter most of the time in pvp, so WotF isn't that big of a deal since you have a magic dispell on 8 seconds CD.

Alliance I really like the stealth detection because you can pick out rogues from 30 yard range, but as alliance you literally pick what you want, there's no difference.
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Re: Whats the best race for lock iyo?

by Roophies » Wed Sep 02, 2015 10:59 am

If you're into PVP you will have SL spec and the rogues poses no threat to you unless they have a shaman/priest dispelling you. WoTF is better than the stun resist cause it gives you options to break the fear since if there are dots /debufs applied after the fear ( any decent warlock does this VS felhunter ) he will devour the first debuff and you sit the fear. but tbh it's all preference if you wanna sit useless in 15 seconds fear into death or if you wanna sit a stun wich you live with Link up :) then again it's not gamebreaking BUT i think we all giggle abit when we see an Orc with a dress.

Re: Whats the best race for lock iyo?

by Aethelwulf » Wed Sep 02, 2015 3:19 pm

Races and their perks:

  • Mace Specialization: Completely unusable.
  • Sword Specialization: Pretty damn useless.
  • The Human Spirit: Also pretty damn useless. Warlocks do not use Spirit to regen.
  • Diplomacy: Amazing for shitty rep grinds. That's a lot of time saved.
  • Perception: The most powerful boost to Rogue detection in the game, except it's an activated ability so you need to guess when the invisible rogue is near you before they get the drop on you (also, it doesn't let you spot their special Vanish - stealth level too high), plus you are playing alliance so odds are it's an undead rogue so you just get to acknowledge your impending demise. If you have engineering items this can actually let you get the drop on them though. Great for duels. Good in arenas. Might do something in battlegrounds. Crap for world PvP.

  • Arcane Resistance: Free resist is always nice.
  • Engineering Specialization: If you're an engineer, it's good. And if you're alliance (and PvPing), you should considering engineer because it's a source of crowd control that doesn't have to deal with WotF or trinket. Plus it's a damn useful profession in general.
  • Escape Artist: No complaining here. Can be quite useful depending on the circumstances.
  • Expansive Mind: Warlocks don't really gear int (Stamina is your mana pool too), but 5% more mana can still save a lifetap, so it's decent.

  • Axe Specialization: Completely unusable.
  • Blood Rage: Rather useless.
  • Command: 5% extra pet damage is decent.
  • Hardiness: 25% chance of ignoring stuns is great since it means a Rogue can actually fail at stunlocking you to death.

  • Cannibalize: Great. It's a heal you can use during combat and Life Tap means that also gives you mana to keep going if you ever have one of those annoying drawn-out combats with a tank.
  • Shadow Resistance: Free resist is always useful.
  • Underwater Breathing: Pretty useless, since Warlocks get Unending Breath at level 16.
  • Will of the Forsaken: Overrated on Warlocks, since your trinket already breaks this, and if you have a Felhunter he can eat the CC off of you, and if you have a Succubus you can trade CC too. It is worth noting however that the opposite is also true: With Will of the Forsaken you won't have much need for a PvP trinket. Still a strong racial at any rate, just not as amazing for Warlocks.

First things first: Horde faction is best for PvP. This is because of Will of the Forsaken. While it's overrated on a Warlock, it's fucking ridiculous to go up against as a Warlock since you have no escape abilities other than "CC someone and run away", and the Warlock's CC is Fear and Charm (Succubus Seduce). You're screwed against Undead, especially when you add in a PvP trinket for even more CC breaking plus your Diminishing Returns. Also Undead have racial shadow resistance and odds are 90% that is how you do your damage. So roll Horde so you never have to PvP undead.

Second things second: Alliance faction is best for PvE. This is also because of Will of the Forsaken. Getting Warlock gear has never been easier when there's half as many Warlocks (or less!) in your raid. You also get a faction benefit in the form of the Bag of Marbles quest reward (BoP, 10 charge Consumable: debuffs target with +25% miss chance for 10 seconds, 1 min CD, use wisely) which can make a great ticket into a raid if you're under-geared if you promise to use a charge on the raid boss. Plus there's the Light of Elune quest reward which gives you a 10 second invulnerability shield for a minute (1 charge only, BoP). Fun fact: Both of these used to be BoE but people rolled a ton of alts to farm the shit out of these items at which point Blizzard changed it to BoP. Aside from that, Alliance locks can benefit from a Paladin's Concentration Aura which stacks with your talent tree to make Drain Life/Mana/Soul, Rain of Fire, and Hellfire immune to casting pushback.

For specific races, PvP-wise, on the Horde side, Undead is better against other Warlocks and Priests, but those are matchups you can handle anyway. Orc on the other hand will give you a stronger chance against Rogues since it messes up their stunlock, the Warrior with his Charge/Intercept, Paladin stuns, and anyone who uses engineering grenades. I would favor Orcs strictly for Hardiness, honestly, since it improves some of your worse match-ups. On the alliance side, Gnomes are probably better for PvP given their Escape Artist ability, arcane resist, etc. PvE-wise, Undead make better Warlocks for Horde given their Cannibalize, and Humans make better Warlocks for Alliance given their superior rep grinds.
Last edited by Aethelwulf on Sat Feb 06, 2016 5:17 pm, edited 24 times in total.
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Re: Whats the best race for lock iyo?

by CecilJohn » Thu Sep 03, 2015 5:37 am

Wow, very good info :D

Thanks for taking the time to reply, guys. I've already rolled an orc for pve (don't think I'll be pvping much) but I'll definitely look this post up when the new server comes out!
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Re: Whats the best race for lock iyo?

by titsmcgeee » Thu Sep 03, 2015 9:05 am

orc really offers nothing in pve, as your pet is either sacrificed or just a passive buff tool. pick whichever you like really
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Re: Whats the best race for lock iyo?

by Numi » Thu Sep 03, 2015 10:10 am

Aethelwulf wrote:First things first: Horde faction is best for PvP. This is because of Will of the Forsaken. While it's overrated on a Warlock, it's fucking ridiculous to go up against as a Warlock since you have no escape abilities other than "CC someone and run away", and the Warlock's CC is Fear and Charm (Succubus Seduce). You're screwed against Undead, especially when you add in a PvP trinket for even more CC breaking plus your Diminishing Returns. Also Undead have racial shadow resistance and odds are 90% that is how you do your damage. So roll Horde so you never have to PvP undead.

I just want to add, don't forget coil. 99% of the time I'm fearing, if they wotf it, I'll coil and refear. WotF only lasts for like 4 seconds, which means at best, they get one spell in before they're locked in fear again.
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Re: Whats the best race for lock iyo?

by Aethelwulf » Sun Sep 06, 2015 12:21 am

Numi wrote:I just want to add, don't forget coil. 99% of the time I'm fearing, if they wotf it, I'll coil and refear. WotF only lasts for like 4 seconds, which means at best, they get one spell in before they're locked in fear again.

5 seconds. And he can trinket out of your refear too. If you're wrecking face because your PvP target doesn't have his PvP trinket, then you're just winning against bad PvPers.

List of PvP trinkets:
  • Hunters: Cannot trinket out of Fear or Seduce.
  • Shamans: Cannot trinket out of Fear or Seduce.
  • Warriors: Cannot trinket out of Fear or Seduce.
  • Mages: Can trinket out of Fear.
  • Paladins: Can trinket out of Fear.
  • Priests: Can trinket out of Fear.
  • Druids: Can trinket out of both Fear and Seduce.
  • Rogues: Can trinket out of both Fear and Seduce.
  • Warlocks: Can trinket out of both Fear and Seduce.
Incidentally, Warriors have Berserker Rage, Death Wish (if 21 Fury), and Recklessness for Fear immunity anyway, Shamans have Tremor Totem which breaks both Charm and Fear and Grounding which absorbs it, and Hunters if specced BM can wreck your shit with the CC-immune pet alone, so don't be too eager to think of them as vulnerable.
Last edited by Aethelwulf on Sun Sep 20, 2015 3:04 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Whats the best race for lock iyo?

by Zor » Sat Sep 12, 2015 1:22 am

Horde unless you wanna constantly struggle in a chaotic ocean of constant WoTF's and Tremor totems.

IF you're feeling adventurous and not lame, roll a gnome fo shur tho :twisted: :twisted:
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