Bullrush 1-60 - Stay with Ret. Spec?

Bullrush 1-60 - Stay with Ret. Spec?

by cor3nth » Wed Apr 08, 2015 4:57 pm

Hey All,

If I'm trying to level as fast as I can stomach to 60... Should I drop Ret spec at 40 like some guides suggest and go Prot and try to AoE grind the rest of the way? I don't care about play style or repetitiveness :geek:

It's hard to know the best path because a lot of the info around isn't 1.12 specific.

I can see Ret. becoming less and less effective as you get into that 40+ territory.

Thanks in advance!

Re: Bullrush 1-60 - Stay with Ret. Spec?

by DrearyYew » Thu Apr 09, 2015 9:33 am

What you can do is keep your ret spec, but start putting your points into the Holy tree for Consecration once you have Sanctity Aura, which would mean you would have Consecration at level 41, or you could put points into 2H specialization, getting you consecration at 44.

You'll kill shit faster in AoE with the ret spec, but also will take more damage. I would personally quest as much as possible since some of those higher level quests have some really good rewards.
Dreary - Human "Needs No Mana" Holy Paladin
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Re: Bullrush 1-60 - Stay with Ret. Spec?

by BK2710 » Thu Apr 09, 2015 10:59 am

the way I quest as ret at 46 is to judge light and SotC the mobs down, triggers the heal often enough to sustain me for a long time.
Ret is good for pvp :p

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