[BUG LIST] Verani #1 (1-8)

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[BUG LIST] Verani #1 (1-8)

by Verani » Sun Mar 01, 2015 4:38 pm


following a list of the bugs i have noticed during the first day of play.
It's nothing really gamebreaking but one or two things are a bit annoying.
I hope i can still express myself clearly, i havent slept since the launch ;)


1. Evaded Mobs - No immediate HP Reset

Mobs who reached their maximum distance from their spawn following someone, thus heading back and now "evading" on the way do not reset their HP upon reaching their original position. Another player can now "claim" them and the damage done to the mob before is not reset.

2. Attacking Critters -> No Rage generation for Warriors

Like it says, right now attacking critters yields no rage whatsoever for the damage done to them.
(Critters: cow, deer, rats, chicken and so on and so forth..)

3. Chests lootable while another player "holds them open"

If a player is looking into the inventory of a chest, another player can come along and shift+loot all its content. This should not be possible like that.

4. "Drive by selling" - item destruction

When running past a trader, opening the trade window, and trying to sell an item "on the run" it can happen that the item is lost but no money for it received if the click to sell the item occurs just before the player leaves the range of the trader.

5. Weather does not seem to be syncronized

Pretty straightforward. For my buddy it was raining in Elwyn, i enjoyed a sunny afternoon.

6. Getting the little gear symbol for interaction on chairs through walls on quite a distance

When walking up the road to goldshire, i noticed one could "hover" over the chairs inside the tavern, thus getting the little gear symbol and the chair tooltip, on quite a huge distance and through the wall of the tavern.
Distance was approximatly 100-150 ingame units at least.

7. Quest Problem - Westfall - Captain Sanders' hidden Treasure - LvL requirements borked

In short: The questitem drops from the murlocks, it says on the Questitem lvl 10.

However, you cannot accept the quest until you are lvl 11. [first, minor, problem]

On the transition between first and second stage (at the footlocker near the sunken ship just west of the Goldcoast Quarry Mine) accepting the following quest is aborted with the message "not eligable" if one is not high enough level (12 was not enough, 14 was high enough) and the unfortunate players can not try again, thus destroying this questchain for them. [second, bigger problem]

As of yet I couldnt not test the next steps of the quest.

8. LOS-Pull - Pulling a caster via denial of line of sight

This mechanic does not seem to work proberly at the moment. At least in the Westfall area outside and inside buildings.
Trying to find out more (which wasnt easy given the small number of available mobs per person ;) ) it seems/felt like the mob is moving towards the position that it last deemed as the position where it would regain line of sight on the player but not reprocessing this any further.
If one would pull a mob, move behind a corner and back away a bit further, the mob would move up to the corner and then freeze at the corner, resting at the position where line of sight should have been regained if the player had only moved just this tiny bit out of the mobs LOS, but not any further..

I know this last point is kind of vague but we couldnt test it more extensively up til now. Still i felt it important to put our observations about this in here "as is" since it is quite an important game mechanic.
The mob it was tested on / experienced with was the "Defias Pillager".


So long, keep up the good work, otherwise loving every bit of it so far!!!!



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