Gankers in general

Re: Gankers in general

by Oth » Thu May 14, 2015 12:17 am

Personally I think that any advantage you can hold over the enemy, be it mechanics like lock candy, cooldowns, buffs, pots, LoS using environment, numbers, or levels, is fair game. 5 guys ganking you? Get some friends. Don't have friends? Move on. Guy potted? Pots exist, therefore you should incorporate that chance of one being used into your strategy against them. Etc.

Re: Gankers in general

by dooya » Thu May 14, 2015 6:50 am

drahy wrote:LEt me put ti this way

NO GOOD pvp'r wont EVER see those guys you fanboy so much about gank.
You wont see Gladiators and rank 1 players gank
You wont see anyone that achieved anything relevant in competitive pvp gank

hi im a s6 glad s7 r1 and s8 r1 and i go out of my way to gank.

:twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

Re: Gankers in general

by rptb1 » Thu May 14, 2015 12:01 pm

Glaive wrote:I hate the Horde. I hate every single one of you.

PvP turned you into a roleplayer!

Re: Gankers in general

by oxforged » Fri May 15, 2015 4:45 am

dooya wrote:
drahy wrote:LEt me put ti this way

NO GOOD pvp'r wont EVER see those guys you fanboy so much about gank.
You wont see Gladiators and rank 1 players gank
You wont see anyone that achieved anything relevant in competitive pvp gank

hi im a s6 glad s7 r1 and s8 r1 and i go out of my way to gank.

:twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:


Re: Gankers in general

by Stikks » Sat May 16, 2015 3:17 pm

Its so funny that horde wants better queue times but they sit in level 30 zones ganking lowbies! Desolace, Arathi, Shimmering Flats, and STV are completely unquestable for Ally! You cannot do anything! Nessingwary's Camp has/is being camped for DAYS by level 60's! How are we supposed to get better queue times if you guys wont even let us quest? I look forward to fighting in BG's but you are making it impossible for us to get there. Many ally players are quiting this server or rerolling horde so they can actually play the game! All this ganking is ruining this server. You will never have good queue times if this continues. The DEVS need to implement something that only allows players with a 3 level disparity to attack each other in WPvP. This will give everyone a more enjoyable experience without losing WPvP. Contested zones should always be a battleground but spawn camping/greifing is not acceptable! You will see the ally pop dwindle and once it does the horde wont have any PvP at all. When that happens this server will be like all the others....

Re: Gankers in general

by NikeTheSword » Sat May 16, 2015 7:14 pm

Stikks wrote:Its so funny that horde wants better queue times but they sit in level 30 zones ganking lowbies! Desolace, Arathi, Shimmering Flats, and STV are completely unquestable for Ally! You cannot do anything! Nessingwary's Camp has/is being camped for DAYS by level 60's! How are we supposed to get better queue times if you guys wont even let us quest? I look forward to fighting in BG's but you are making it impossible for us to get there. Many ally players are quiting this server or rerolling horde so they can actually play the game! All this ganking is ruining this server. You will never have good queue times if this continues. The DEVS need to implement something that only allows players with a 3 level disparity to attack each other in WPvP. This will give everyone a more enjoyable experience without losing WPvP. Contested zones should always be a battleground but spawn camping/greifing is not acceptable! You will see the ally pop dwindle and once it does the horde wont have any PvP at all. When that happens this server will be like all the others....

No, the devs shouldn't implement anything. But Horde's sure could show some sense with when and how much they gank. Like this trio of <GRIZZLY> (I'm looking at you Mainstage) that is daily clearing Chillwind Camp. You can tell they're waiting for BG since they load out every now and then and then they ride back 30 mins later.
But heck, they can keep doing it for all I care, but don't complain when more and more people roll Horde and make it worse for you (probably gonna do it myself too).
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Re: Gankers in general

by Wardz » Sat May 16, 2015 7:22 pm

This thread is retarded... the main reason people World pvp and gank low levels is because levels 48-60 give good honor for a 60 even a lvl 48 lets say rank 4-5 can give decent honor.. and on horde side the case is we have 20-40 min queues which on alliance u guys usually have instant queues so you dont have to world pvp. people need to stop bitching about gankers, just quit the server if u want handle it. its a pvp server which is blizzlike and noone is forcing u to play here.. go play retail RP server if you're too much of a bitch to handle world pvp =).
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Senior Sergeant

Re: Gankers in general

by Neric » Mon May 18, 2015 12:31 pm

People are not ganking for honor, they do it because they can. To have power over others makes them feel better about themselves.

Re: Gankers in general

by Tam » Mon May 18, 2015 1:01 pm

Oth wrote:LoS using environment


u should dif ask any meele how many los objects there are outdoor besides town buildings to interact with
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Re: Gankers in general

by nubi » Mon May 18, 2015 2:51 pm

Here is my advice to all the alliance worried about getting trolled off the server; stop being emotional. Find ways to release your aggression or fustrations.

First off, Log on with the mindset that everyone that ganks you will be camping your corpse. to prevent yourself from losing your mind and wasting your time. Rez behind an object and run for your life. even if they dont chase you move on to the next spot.

Second, STV = PVP kill zone. anyone who experiences here and trys to quest is a moron and clearly doesnt know how to spend their time wisely.

Third and most importantly, if you feel totally fustrated and used, GO to southshore, and rape all the faces off the horde in Hillsbrad Foothills. - Destory all horde that you see, Grey, Green, W.E just kill them all. If you got camped, go there and corpse camp some mage in tatters its rather hysterical....

ASE ~ ankle slasher extraordinaire


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