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Re: Increase the speed of spawning at launch

PostPosted: Sat Feb 28, 2015 1:48 pm
by Stone

This picture pretty much sums up this thread. I hope you will enjoy camping on one mob for hours. ;)

Re: Increase the speed of spawning at launch

PostPosted: Sat Feb 28, 2015 3:38 pm
by Guirssane
we do ^ hehe

Re: Increase the speed of spawning at launch

PostPosted: Sat Feb 28, 2015 4:04 pm
by Melvin
Stone wrote:Image

This picture pretty much sums up this thread. I hope you will enjoy camping on one mob for hours. ;)

It really doesn't matter how people think about it as

Raazi wrote:Respawn timers for mobs will be blizzlike, even at launch.

/end of discussion

Re: Increase the speed of spawning at launch

PostPosted: Sat Feb 28, 2015 5:07 pm
by Badtank
Melvin wrote:
Stone wrote:Image

This picture pretty much sums up this thread. I hope you will enjoy camping on one mob for hours. ;)

It really doesn't matter how people think about it as

Raazi wrote:Respawn timers for mobs will be blizzlike, even at launch.

/end of discussion

Yeah man fuck the community they don't matter.

Re: Increase the speed of spawning at launch

PostPosted: Sun Mar 01, 2015 12:12 am
by whitestarrising
I was on the fence about this issue for a time leading up to launch. Playing this afternoon/evening, I now must cast my vote to increase spawn time in the starter zones. I have no problem with grinding, but there are simply no mobs to grind. In a 5 man group we averaged VERY few mobs/hour in Teldrassil. All the mobs that spawned would be instantly tagged and killed, and a whole cluster of people would be standing in that spot waiting for the respawn. The more you move around, the fewer mobs you could effectively tag. Of the 6 hours I played today, at least 4-5 of them were standing around waiting for the mass respawn, and I didn't find that particularly enjoyable, blizzlike or not.

Re: Increase the speed of spawning at launch

PostPosted: Sun Mar 01, 2015 12:30 am
by Liebguckerle
Oh, i hadn't seen this discussion... Hmm, i can see no reason why not to adjust the spawntime.... blizzlike? Launching one server 4k people instantly isn't blizzlike either :D

Blizzlike is more the correct pathfinding, the right mob armour, HP, correct abilities... where i need strategy in combat and not just bump into the whole group ^^ That's what messed up the thing :)

Anyways have fun standing around waiting for mobs.... i'll just wait a few days and come back when it's calm :)

Re: Increase the speed of spawning at launch

PostPosted: Sun Mar 01, 2015 12:57 am
by Orkchop
And this spawn rate decision will be what drives people to Kronos. gg.

Re: Increase the speed of spawning at launch

PostPosted: Sun Mar 01, 2015 1:03 am
by r00ty
As I said elsewhere (where for some reason it's not been moderated in, despite being an hour ago).

It's not even really spawn rate or blizzlike. I'm almost certain Blizzard already handles this. I've seen it in action at times when many realms were down and a huge group re-rolled onto one of the few still working.

What I saw was that there was never a situation when no creatures for quests could be found. Even when the area was swamped with players to a similar degree I saw in the Undead start zone.

What I'm sure they did (and still do) is run a minimum quota for creatures by type (using pools). So, for example you have the zombies at the start in undead start area. The two kinds. So the pool has spawn points and states it can be one or the other 50/50. Then says there should be a maximum of 60 spawned at once (so it will normal respawn rate, until there are 60 then stop). A minimum of 15, what this means is that when there are less than 15 creatures of that pool alive, it will quickly respawn enough to bring it up to 15.

This isn't that hard to do, if using the creature pooling. This is what I think should be done. Since it's a dynamic solution. When there's normal levels of players in an area, spawn time is normal. When there are many, it ensures that quests can be completed. With no manual changes for the situation as suggested here.

Re: Increase the speed of spawning at launch

PostPosted: Sun Mar 01, 2015 1:28 am
by Putni
For all of you saying this is blizzlike, no it is not.

Starting areas were implemented to increase mob spawn rates if a certain amount of people were present.

Now I don't know if this is how it worked on day one, or even in Vanilla since I mostly played one character that I started when not so many starters were present anymore.

But I do know (because I heard shitloads of people talking about it during the last 11 years) that on many servers (if not all), people got dcd alot and barely a few hundred had a really stable connectivity.

If you want true vanilla start, please buy shitty Internet or the devs should make everyone's logging a living hell as well.

This is a polished version of 1.12.1 vanilla with classic itemization for the sake of nostalgia. Noone said it is 100% blizzlike, and I do think that the script would be useful right now, because this is insane.

Note to the developers: I'm not blaming you are anything, as far as I can see, you have done a wonderful job so far. You just missed this point. I'm pretty sure this is either because you didn't expect this many people, and/or you didn't think it was necessary to implement this, and/or you didn't get your hands on the correct script to implement it. You are humans, and we should all be thankful to you anyway. And I am, even though I'm definitely not playing in this environment.

But if you got any sort of chance to include the respawn rate boosting script, please do. It would help a lot right now. And it *is* blizzlike. Perhaps not on day one, but then again, if people want day one, take away the stability options so we can all DC every 5 minutes, take away normal talents, take away normal LoS, make half our skills bugged and useless and the like, THEN you get day one.

Re: Increase the speed of spawning at launch

PostPosted: Sun Mar 01, 2015 1:34 am
by Garfunkel
Dynamic spawn rate was implemented with The Burning Crusade.