Increase the speed of spawning at launch

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Increase the speed of spawning at launch

by Stone » Wed Feb 18, 2015 2:46 pm

I think we all can agree there will be loads of people on the server at launch and that can force plenty of people to camp on single mobs or quest items making questing pretty annoying. I think Nostalrius' staff should increase the spawning speed of items and mobs during first few hours after launch.
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Re: Increase the speed of spawning at launch

by Stone » Fri Feb 20, 2015 10:44 am

What do you think about it?
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Re: Increase the speed of spawning at launch

by DrunkenEnvy » Fri Feb 20, 2015 10:45 am

I think it was discussed.. and it isn't blizzlike for vanilla.
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Re: Increase the speed of spawning at launch

by Stone » Fri Feb 20, 2015 10:48 am

Do you really want to camp for hours on single mobs and quest items with dozens of other people who want to get it too? And you want that just because it's "blizzlike"? :D
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Re: Increase the speed of spawning at launch

by DrunkenEnvy » Fri Feb 20, 2015 10:53 am

millions of people dealt with it.. so can we..
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Re: Increase the speed of spawning at launch

by Stone » Fri Feb 20, 2015 11:04 am

They had to deal with it because Blizzard overlooked that problem. Blizzard realized it was a problem in TBC and then they implemented it. Why shouldn't it be implemented on Nostalrius just because Blizzard didn't think about it befor? ... guide.html

"The big news though is that Blizzard has introduced new dynamic spawn rates for Outlands that changes the spawn rate for a Monster based on how many people are in the immediate mini-zone. So when there are 493 people camping the same named quest mob in Hellfire Peninsula on Jan 16, there will be an almost instantaneous respawn of the mob when it dies. "
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Re: Increase the speed of spawning at launch

by Hyped » Fri Feb 20, 2015 12:40 pm

I agree stone, it's something that should be implemented at least for the weekend. Who cares if that aspect isn't blizzlike. Blizzard made plenty of mistakes back at launch. It does not mean nos has to follow that same path. Especially on something so little yet vastly annoying. It will make the leveling experience more enjoyable for everyone. Honestly who would actually enjoy waiting 20+ min doing nothing but waiting on an item or mob to spawn.
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Re: Increase the speed of spawning at launch

by Shadowlurk » Fri Feb 20, 2015 1:34 pm

Cute idea. But not Blizzlike at all.

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Re: Increase the speed of spawning at launch

by Regnam1 » Fri Feb 20, 2015 2:43 pm

viper said there will be increased spawn timer during launch so that shit bottleneck doesnt happen i guess?
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Re: Increase the speed of spawning at launch

by Hyped » Fri Feb 20, 2015 2:59 pm

Reg are you saying that viper did confirm it? Or are u asking if he did :p
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