In the future

We are always open to new ideas. Come here if you have a suggestion, we will discuss it together.

In the future

by galjin » Wed Feb 18, 2015 7:56 pm

Would it be possible, after a nice while (+8 months),that you upgrade the server to tbc or create another and allow character transference to it? In the same way you created the vanilla one, with timed unlocks.

You see, I like to RP, a LOT. Sadly it's almost impossible to find a RP group, harder to find a RP guild and forget about RP servers. My solution was to make my brain ignore all that people using shop/store mounts and gear, and just look at my characters. The issue is the capacity i have to obtain the gear to complete the picture. Lately it has been "nice" since there was a lot of gear related to RP with transmogrification. The bad thing is that i cant find people to run lesser dungeons and raids just for the transmog drop. So my ultimate solution would be to go back in time and pay retail and just keep playing for 15 years... You guys are starting that. That's why i asked if you were going to let the timeline continue or just staying in vanilla.

Re: In the future

by Hatson » Fri Feb 20, 2015 12:55 pm

First check the timeline: ... 453744.jpg
Then check the bottom of this FAQ: viewtopic.php?f=2&t=3

And it should answer everything.
The White Blacksmith.
Sometimes I stream stuff:
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Re: In the future

by galjin » Sat Feb 21, 2015 12:23 am

Ah, yes. Good, thanks!

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