Can the devs please implement a report afk feature?

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Can the devs please implement a report afk feature?

by Cassander » Mon Mar 07, 2016 12:30 pm

Can the devs please implement a report afk feature like they have on the live servers? There are always people that are afk in solo q BG's and there is no way to counter it at all. The game should not be rewarding people for negative behavior like parking a guy in the building in AB and getting passive honor at the expense of the other players that wanna play competitively and want to win.

Re: Can the devs please implement a report afk feature?

by zamug » Mon Mar 07, 2016 5:35 pm

I understand your perspective, it can be a pain to deal with.

1.7 patch made it so that AFK timers auto-reset when joining a battleground, and after 15 minutes kicks the player out of the battleground and disconnects them from the game servers.

2.2 patch (TBC) added the Report AFK feature you are seeking.

It was never a part of vanilla.
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Re: Can the devs please implement a report afk feature?

by noktynx » Wed Mar 09, 2016 8:23 am

The last thing the game needs is more pandering the crying children and the emotionally weak. You can already report people for words in chat, that should be sufficient to at least stem some of your tears.

Man up and deal with it.

Re: Can the devs please implement a report afk feature?

by Shadowx93ca » Mon Apr 04, 2016 8:56 am

This would take some time to implement, and while a decent suggestion, it's unlikely it will be implemented while there are alternatives and the developers are hard at work on content that needs to be released on a schedule.

Whenever you come across a player that is AFK'ing in a Battleground, screenshot the offending player, or the scoreboard if it shows sufficient proof of the player having AFK'ed in the Battleground. Upload the screenshot a site such as imgur, and wwrite up a small ticket with a link to the screenshot as proof of the player's offense.

Please note that AFK'ing in a battleground is by all means against the server's rules, and that the player will be marked with a warning if the GM who receives the ticket deems it necessary, which is likely.

Light bless!

noktynx wrote:The last thing the game needs is more pandering the crying children and the emotionally weak.

Noktynx, please don't complain about a valid suggestion, simply because you presume the poster to not be hardcore as yourself. The suggestion is valid and is worth giving consideration.

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