When using AutoProfit v3.11 the main function causes disc.

When using AutoProfit v3.11 the main function causes disc.

by Scaasic » Tue Jun 16, 2015 2:26 am

Hello I would like to discuss an issue I have observed with the Add-On AutoProfit v3.11. Now as greedy as the mod sounds, all it does is quickly sells grey items in the player inventory to a vendor.

Here is how to reproduce the issue:

1. Log in.
2. Play a hero until you have a good amount of different kinds of grey items 20++
3. Visit any vendor who buys grey items
4. Click "the add-ons "sell all" button.

Every time you perform these steps you will be disconnected from the server. Clearly the server doesn't like having a lot of greys sold to a vendor at the same time.

However the real reason I am posting this is not because I think anyone needs to fix it or anything. Maybe the add-on "makes it too easy" and for the real "vanilla experience" we need to sell it all one by one while looking through it.

The reason I am posting is because I want to make sure I am not going to get banned for using it or having used it. I'm level 39 now about to hit 40 and I've already put so much time into my character that I don't want a addon to cause me to get banned. It does look like you can get banned pretty easily around here with the amount of posts I see in this forum.

Do I need to uninstall my add-on?

Re: When using AutoProfit v3.11 the main function causes dis

by tigru » Tue Jun 16, 2015 11:07 am


The staff members do not support any 3rd party programs/addons. This will not receive your answer here.
You can post this on General Discussion forum.

GM tigru
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Re: When using AutoProfit v3.11 the main function causes dis

by Codeine » Tue Jun 16, 2015 12:54 pm

Lazy pig auto sells greys, never had a crash or disconnect from it. Maybe try a different addon.
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