Account(s) Banned?

Account(s) Banned?

by Rezark » Tue Jan 26, 2016 9:10 pm

"Your account has been banned permanently." - What gives?

I haven't bought gold, used third party programs, nor used any of the accounts to help one another out...

I'm constantly trying to work the AH with mats/herbs/leather/orbs/boe world drops etc. to try and get my epic mounts as I don't have one yet... I had a friend hook me up with ZR from his guild on my warrior for cheap, and he was going to get me in MC this Wednesday for EoD for priest for only 150G when everyone else is selling it 300-400g. After I got my weapons I was going to focus farming for my mounts(priest first, then warrior).

My priest has tons of farmed mats in bank, bags, and open auctions in the AH that can get him at least another 200g+. I've put alot of time in this game recently while also streaming which has been public to everyone and hosted on this website averaging 17 viewers(I had best Christmas sweater and hat on!).

My excessive play time has caused tension in my marriage recently as we are expecting a baby girl mid February. Although being forced to stop playing this will be a good thing for me, this is definitely not the right way to leave.

Either way, I'll check back here every now and then to see if you plan to have a second look at this and reinstate the accounts. If not, good bye Nostalrius! It's been fun ~

Allouttamana - 60 Undead Priest (PvP)
Furilol - 60 Orc Warrior (PvP)

* Side Note - I met a pretty cool guy in-game who gave me 10g as I was leveling up my warrior(lv 12 i believe at the time) to help with the skills/training. I gave him back the 10g around level 46 if I remember correctly as I made enough to buy my 60% mount. Never thought I'd do that as the guy didn't want the gold back but it made me feel pretty good :)

Re: Account(s) Banned?

by Leythia » Wed Jan 27, 2016 8:21 am


Your accounts have been banned for Gold Trafficking.

This means you either bought or sold gold for real money.

We've placed this bans under review. We'll get back to you in this Thread once it is done.
This can take some time, so please be patient.

If you wish to be honest and admit to buying/selling gold (if you did it), you'd save us the time for your review.

Best regards,
GM Team.
Nostalrius Begins Gamemaster | GMT+1
Game Master
Game Master

Re: Account(s) Banned?

by Rezark » Wed Jan 27, 2016 1:35 pm

Thank you Leythia. I have not purchased gold, even-though it crossed my mind at some point but I was too concerned about having my accounts banned. I have made gold/item transactions between accounts via mail/ah(don't remember ever being logged on both accounts and physically trading them to be honest).

I was looking at some point about borrowing some gold from a guild member(I believe it was something minimal - around 60g) as I was waiting for AH items to sell in order to get my ZR. As the items sold quick I returned my friend the gold shortly after as I didn't need it after all.

Re: Account(s) Banned?

by Leythia » Fri Jan 29, 2016 11:33 am


We have reviewed this case and the offense has been confirmed.
The ban will remain.

Feel free to create a new account and follow our rules in the future.

Best regards,
GM Team.
Nostalrius Begins Gamemaster | GMT+1
Game Master
Game Master

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