Account Ban - Appeal

Account Ban - Appeal

by Istox » Wed Mar 02, 2016 7:01 am

Dear Staff Members & Community,

I intend to be completely honest with you and myself about what I did that lead to my account closure in the hopes that i might redeem myself in some small way.

On Monday night at 03:00 - 06:00 I attended a PUG Molten Core, during loot of the final boss I used/abused a color text function that i created originally for educational purposes to make it appear as if I had won the roll when in-fact I had not. It was late, I was still intoxicated from Sunday night (although this is not an excuse) and as such I did not take my actions seriously, I was greedy and selfish and ruined the enjoyment of those around me.

I would like to formally apologize to all that were in attendance with me during the raid for my actions, I ruined your night and I feel terrible. I would also like to apologize to the rest of the community for breaching the player to player trust that comes as a result of playing on the realm together, my actions were selfish. Lastly I would like to apologize to the Nostalrius Staff that have worked hard and continue to work hard to create an amazing and stable and most importantly FAIR gaming environment, I breached your Terms of Use and your trust, I apologize.

This is the first time I have ever broken any of the rules on Nostalrius, and it will be the last regardless of the outcome of this post. I did so knowingly, in a moment of greed and intoxication. I'm very sorry to all involved.

I would love to be able to continue playing at Nostalrius with my account, but if that is not possible I understand, all i can do is be honest.

Im very very sorry once again!!


Istox (steven)

Istox - Nostalrius PvP

Re: Account Ban - Appeal

by Robotron » Wed Mar 02, 2016 6:43 pm

Coloured text and scamming. RIP in piss, you little shit.
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Re: Account Ban - Appeal

by Pottu » Wed Mar 02, 2016 8:45 pm

If you had just used a color changing macro, you would have been let off with a warning. However, you used that macro to scam other players. Scamming results in a permanent ban.

The GM team.
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