Account recovery & email - a possible hope?

Account recovery & email - a possible hope?

by AUAVAN » Fri Dec 16, 2016 8:52 pm

Dear nost admins,

First of all, thanks for the great time I had on the original nost server :)

I have been trying for hours on end to remember my acc / password / email :l After serveal pages of tried combinations I am all out of ideas. Would it be possible to recover an account based on character? I have already read the info posts, but I'm desperate AF (excuse my language).

Like after you guys are done with the big transfer. Could you find a character and send an email to the email bound to the acc of said character?
I would be able to provide pretty specific information about my character that I remember, but I don't want to post specifcs in this post since it might (hopefully) be relevant in the future...

I know you guys are busy but my back is really against the wall ;(
Best regards, Anders

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