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<Pantheon> NA DKP Mon/Thurs Guild.

PostPosted: Sat Apr 02, 2016 11:09 pm
by kanem
Pantheon is a progression guild that aims to clear content and have fun while doing it.
As a guild, we are ambitious and strive to be good at what we do. All members are expected to
give their A-game during raids, know basic tactics of each fight, and always show up with the necessary consumables at hand.
We are currently farming all content and are always on the lookout for good players to add to our core.
Raid Times
Monday 0300 - 0700 ST 8PM to Midnight Central
Thursday 0300 - 0700 ST 8PM to Midnight Central
Ony, MC, ZG, Blackwing Lair - Cleared

Officer Crew
Walkingdeadd - Guild Master
Kanem - Officer, Raid Leader
Wienersteve - Officer, Warrior CL, Main Tank
Solidham- Officer, Rogue CL
Helken - Shaman CL
Afterdeath - Warlock CL
Gawdzilla - Mage CL
Judisch - Priest CL
Check our up-to date recruitment status on the right side of our homepage and in the posts following this.
How to join and what we expect of you
Go to and click apply on the website right side, or speak to an officer in game.
- At least BiS pre-raid gear or epic gear, everything fully enchanted regardless of quality.
- Maturity and patience.
- Consistent usage of elixirs/pots, and the economy to support this.
- Mumble and required addons on webpage.
- High attendance: we are a progression guild.
- Raid awareness and able to listen during raids to do your job to the best of your ability
- A player that is able to listen and be consistent.
What you can expect of us
An active raiding core that aims to consistently strive to clear faster than we did the weak before
A mature and tolerant raid environment that accepts mistakes now and then, but expects improvement to follow.
Loot System
Open DKP System with a limited amount of priorities on main spec items. For more details whisper an officer in game.
Thanks for your interest, and see you in game!

Re: <Pantheon> NA DKP Mon/Thurs Guild.

PostPosted: Wed Apr 06, 2016 5:36 am
by kanem