Guild applications

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Guild applications

by Clonk » Thu Mar 26, 2015 11:44 pm

I see a lot of guilds looking for more members at the moment and not a lot of interest for the more elite gildmasters. Is it because you don't think we exist?

In this thread you may apply for me to be your gildmaster.

Requirements (may bend some if stellar application otherwise):
- Cleared MC with no exploits. If tank dies you stop DPS and healing and make another attempt after the wipe like honest players.
- 5/5 onyxia with nobody going below 75% HP from elit mob fire aoe. Pallies should pop bubble, shaman ankh, rogues shadowmeld, etc.
- 300/300 first aid with all antidotes learned on all members. There is no excuse for not maxxing FA, healer or no.
- Dedicated guild bank with plenty of consumables and fenceable valuables.
- Willingness of officers to complete several loyalty tests of my choosing, may occur on either continent at arbitrary times and for lore/RP reasons related to quests.

I wish all applicants the best of luck and bid you adieu for now.
Oi - 60 rogue
- GM of kronos GRIZZLY
- Highest rogue dps on nost
- Trans-black woman with queer tendencies
- Pronouns she/her/herself and zhe/zir/zoidself
- Good at finding epics in heavy junkboxes
- Elite pronounceable two-letter name
- Snappy dresser

Re: Guild applications

by Mokes » Sat Mar 28, 2015 9:57 am

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