I'm no betting man....

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Re: I'm no betting man....

by Nepiton » Thu Mar 03, 2016 5:17 am

Kyther wrote:
Nepiton wrote:How many more times are we going to get the run around by the GMs/devs?

No announcement on the DM release (then released 2 weeks late)

Loot tables broken....

Will be fixed---> server gets reverted to 1.1.0

Will be fixed after PVP server maintenance today (3/2/16) ---> no word, still not fixed.

It's honestly kind of amusing, you'd think they would want to be as transparent as possible, instead they keep promising shit they seemingly can't commit to. Considering this same exact thing happened on the PVP server, shouldn't it not be that difficult to fix? Props to the team for creating such a great server and all, but c'mon now, get your shit together.

Anyway /endrant, anyone wanna bet how many more "announcements" we get before anything happens? Or will it just be silence from the team and then *boom* everything is magically fixed.

You're not going to amount to much in life with such an extremely entitled outlook. Just being honest with you.

How is that in any way entitled? Also, I'm glad you think that--I'll have you know, though, I am doing quite well in the so called "real life" in my mere 25 years.

But please enlighten me, how is wanting Nost to be more accountable with their bugs entitled? Because I think they should be more open and honest about it? Or is it because it's a "free server" and we should just accept bugs as they are? I honestly don't think you know what entitled means. You're not going to amount to much in life if you expect everyone to push you around so easily. Stand up for yourself sometimes bud, maybe you'll be able to progress from jumping to conclusions on the internet to someone that is actually worth a damn (get the irony there?). But hey, I'll be over here being largely successful in real life and you can keep doing you.

Just being honest with you.

Re: I'm no betting man....

by XJ9 » Thu Mar 03, 2016 5:47 am

"It being free" isn't a fair argument because a lot of free projects smaller than this have more accountability. Also that argument has about as much weight as if I were to buy you groceries (use my own petrol etc and my money to buy them) and they're all past expiration and damaged then I say "Free service, the fuck you expect?"

I would also concede if this was the first time but you'd think they'd at the very least had this kinda thing worked out because they had to fix it months before.
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Re: I'm no betting man....

by Melgarh » Thu Mar 03, 2016 3:13 pm

If people keep poking them more and more about their entitlement issues, the devs will get more and more sicker and annoyed, will start to feel toxic hate towards the project that they work on and quit it and kill the Nostalrius off.

Good job! /golfclap

This is from an experience of a 3-year ongoing project, managing an international convention with a dedicated management and lots of support staff. Even the most patient and willing person can get fed up from the constant bothering and nagging. Was a passion, now its nightmare.

So, please, everybody who has the need to keep creating these topics, think twice before doing so! <3

If there is an issue with something, just bump it on the Tracker, give it +1 so that it gains more weight, that's the best way how to manage bugs (personally, we use Polarion to track bugs, pretty good and usable).
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Re: I'm no betting man....

by zmandude24 » Thu Mar 03, 2016 4:18 pm

I wish they would give a fix time that they will actually make and not something that they constantly delay. This is the best vanilla server BY FAR but I don't see why they are having so much trouble with a problem they had on the PvP server. I know the cause is probably different but it should only take a fraction of the time to get DM to work on the PvE server as it did on the PvP server because you have most of the code already from the PvP server. Come on guys, you were able to make the bosses near flawless but you are having issues with them dropping certain pieces of loot.
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Re: I'm no betting man....

by Khiori » Thu Mar 03, 2016 4:28 pm

This is a free server. You have the choice to leave and never come back if you so desire. The Nost staff have not hijacked your gaming time and forced you to play here. You came here out of your own desire to play here. The fact that they get some thing from the project has nothing to do with you as a individual. For this server would still exist even if you never came here. It only exists because the Nost staff created it. The only thing you have invested is time and you chose to give that time freely! Stop acting like spoiled children and realize these people may have real life jobs and families that come first. They will get loot fixed when they get it fixed and crying about it on the forums only serves to upset the people that are providing us with this wonderful server.
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Re: I'm no betting man....

by zmandude24 » Thu Mar 03, 2016 4:37 pm

I wish I knew more about programming and WoW emulators so I could be useful in helping them with the issues in DM and developing new content.
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Sergeant Major

Re: I'm no betting man....

by Viper » Thu Mar 03, 2016 5:31 pm


The Nostalrius PVE database has been succesfully rebuilt yesterday evening and is under review by ISVV team since 6 AM server time this morning. Expect a server restart in a few hours.

Please accept our apologizes,
Best regards.
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Re: I'm no betting man....

by Nepiton » Thu Mar 03, 2016 5:55 pm

Viper wrote:Greetings,

The Nostalrius PVE database has been succesfully rebuilt yesterday evening and is under review by ISVV team since 6 AM server time this morning. Expect a server restart in a few hours.

Please accept our apologizes,
Best regards.

Thank you for the response, Viper. Again I would like to stress the excellent work by everyone on the Nost team, as I said in my original post. It's been a pleasure playing here, keep up the good work. There is no need to repeat my one gripe, as it has already been stated.

Re: I'm no betting man....

by Forte » Thu Mar 03, 2016 5:55 pm

Thanks for the update, Viper!

Looking forward to getting back into DM.

Re: I'm no betting man....

by zmandude24 » Thu Mar 03, 2016 6:03 pm

Viper wrote:Greetings,

The Nostalrius PVE database has been succesfully rebuilt yesterday evening and is under review by ISVV team since 6 AM server time this morning. Expect a server restart in a few hours.

Please accept our apologizes,
Best regards.

Thank you so much, now I can go to DM W instead of paying a fortune for overpriced tank BoE blues.
Sergeant Major
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