Hi! 'New' Player intro / LFG

Discussion forum related to PVE Server.

Hi! 'New' Player intro / LFG

by Konuvis » Sun Mar 06, 2016 4:03 am

Well hi!

I just found out about Nostalrius today, already installed and ready to go! Wish I'd found out about it earlier so I could join the launch frenzy :/

I'm strongly debating what to roll. But first a bit of history of my WoW time.

I started playing WoW during US closed beta. I was waiting for the game like a hound for a bone and surviving on forum posts and screenshots. US beta (Mage), EU beta (Rogue) then launch! Joined 4 of my friends on Kael'Thas FR and didn't sleep or eat for the first 3ish months.
When we began everyone had pretty much picked their classes and we needed a heal so I rolled a UD SPriest (great heal I know, though I never had a problem healing our 5-mans).
It was the best of times until I had to go abroad for 3 weeks. We were around mid 40s when I left and when I came back they were all 60 and starting to BRS so i have to finish alone. Let me just say that soloing Un'goro as a priest on a pvp server..... made me quit the game... at 58.

I came back for BC after moving to the US but I had to start from scratch because our mage had taken over my Priest since they needed heals more than dps. To make a long story short I always burnt out leveling solo after having such a blast grouping with my friends at launch.
So I came back, quit, came back again.... but never ever experienced HL Instances and raids (until MoP) and this has always been one of my biggest regrets in my wow life.

Enter Nostalrius.

I found out about it today and it looks amazing. I only wish I'd found out earlier at least for the PVE launch.
PVE is what I plan to join because I think diving into vanilla will be an adjustment after playing retail and I want to focus on raiding so I don't want PvP to be a barrier to my leveling.
Now I'm really Horde at heart BUT I really want to experience the Onyxia attunement on Alliance so I think I may roll Ally but I have no clue which class. I'm thinking maybe Rogue cause I love me some Rogue plus they have big utility in vanilla iirc but maybe Druid? I guess racials are a thing again as well as 30sec water breathing :P

I would love to join a guild and possibly a friend or 2 to level with since I think that's what would elevate this experience a lot as oppose to just solo everything.

Let me know what you guys think. I'm super excited!
"This cannot be! Is... Is it an omen?"

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