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Re: Alterac Valley status

PostPosted: Sat Jul 18, 2015 8:13 pm
by Sethzer
Viper wrote:The problem is that these players were also part of the guilds which were given access to the PTR realm for testing, meaning that this abuse was hidden from the staff on purpose for weeks.

That's one of the most wild, bold and rash accusations I have ever read, especially from a "Staff" member to a "consumer".

Ohhgee, bgfds and Eso summarized it well enough.

Re: Alterac Valley status

PostPosted: Sat Jul 18, 2015 8:15 pm
by Doomnezeu
Going by that logic, everyone who has so far queued a group for any BG or has auto joined a BG with lazypig should be banned / suspended right?

You had knowledge of people using the addon for a long time yet you have said nothing about it.
Nobody in their right mind would risk all the days invested in this server just for some fast gains. Even worse is that you blame the people who helped you test your content for not reporting a bug that couldn't / wasn't tested just because of your incapacity to foresee it. Should have accepted your fault and find another way to fix it.

Do and say what you will but this day turned from a hype fest to a shit fest and you have mostly yourselves to blame. Congrats Nostalrius you lost my respect.

Re: Alterac Valley status

PostPosted: Sat Jul 18, 2015 8:15 pm
by Monkeynews
Oh wow..

Banning rat & gm island:

Uncut vod of the entire day:

"The problem is that these players were also part of the guilds which were given access to the PTR realm for testing, meaning that this abuse was hidden from the staff on purpose for weeks."

Cmon, man. Seriously? Listen to us when we first queue at 1:33:00. We're clueless nerds just trying to get fast rep. If we did something wrong tell us and we will obviously stop. Here is a full recording of whatever you deem unacceptable. Pick and choose w/e exploits and third party programs you say we are using and warn us before making an example of 'the people ruining the server with premades'. I thought this was an mmo. Keep listening to the mass reports/complaints and soon we're retail wow 2015 with all those lovely conveniences worthy of a social media/browser game.

Re: Alterac Valley status

PostPosted: Sat Jul 18, 2015 8:17 pm
by TaurenRogue
^grp que talk month ago...
nothing was done...
ban people for using it...

Re: Alterac Valley status

PostPosted: Sat Jul 18, 2015 8:22 pm
by Luffaz
TaurenRogue wrote:
^grp que talk month ago...
nothing was done...
ban people for using it...

This just makes the situation so much more stupid, Nostalrius GM's should own up to their mistakes instead of looking for scapegoats, banning people for their own mistakes is just silly and a very unneccesary PR hit..

Re: Alterac Valley status

PostPosted: Sat Jul 18, 2015 8:37 pm
by rubmytummy
good job. you did the right thing. they deserved to be banned. for exploiting to get ahead of everyone else.

Re: Alterac Valley status

PostPosted: Sat Jul 18, 2015 8:44 pm
by Acidx
rubmytummy wrote:good job. you did the right thing. they deserved to be banned. for exploiting to get ahead of everyone else.

Where is the exploit friend, can you point it out for me?

Re: Alterac Valley status

PostPosted: Sat Jul 18, 2015 8:49 pm
by Proctologist
Ohhgee wrote:I am eternally grateful for the service that Nostalrius provides, and my overall experience here has been amazing. I have the utmost respect for the staff, but I feel it necessary to express my distaste at how this is being handled.

To suggest that testers were aware of this "bug" is a baseless accusation. I doubt there was even a single day with enough players online on the PTR for testing this issue to even be possible.

Multiple pieces of evidence dating back to Retail Vanilla have been posted that show that the ability to group queue AV was inherently in the game. Most private servers remove this function, but Nostalrius left it there (obviously NOW we know this was unintentional).

In my opinion it is wrong for Nostalrius to (without warning) punish players for using a function that was left in the game by THEIR staff.
I also find it offensive that the testers are being falsely accused of being intentionally dishonest. These accusations are absurd and untrue, and I am sure that any logs or records of PTR activity will show that at no point was group queueing tested.

[quote="Ohhgee"]I am eternally grateful for the service that Nostalrius provides, and my overall experience here has been amazing. I have the utmost respect for the staff, but I feel it necessary to express my distaste at how this is being handled.

To suggest that testers were aware of this "bug" is a baseless accusation. I doubt there was even a single day with enough players online on the PTR for testing this issue to even be possible.

Multiple pieces of evidence dating back to Retail Vanilla have been posted that show that the ability to group queue AV was inherently in the game. Most private servers remove this function, but Nostalrius left it there (obviously NOW we know this was unintentional).

In my opinion it is wrong for Nostalrius to (without warning) punish players for using a function that was left in the game by THEIR staff.

[quote="Ohhgee"]I am eternally grateful for the service that Nostalrius provides, and my overall experience here has been amazing. I have the utmost respect for the staff, but I feel it necessary to express my distaste at how this is being handled.

To suggest that testers were aware of this "bug" is a baseless accusation. I doubt there was even a single day with enough players online on the PTR for testing this issue to even be possible.

Multiple pieces of evidence dating back to Retail Vanilla have been posted that show that the ability to group queue AV was inherently in the game. Most private servers remove this function, but Nostalrius left it there (obviously NOW we know this was unintentional).

In my opinion it is wrong for Nostalrius to (without warning) punish players for using a function that was left in the game by THEIR staff.

Re: Alterac Valley status

PostPosted: Sat Jul 18, 2015 8:50 pm
by Sigals
You exploited, got caught and now cry, lovely tears

Re: Alterac Valley status

PostPosted: Sat Jul 18, 2015 8:53 pm
by Proctologist
Sigals wrote:You exploited, got caught and now cry, lovely tears

None of us exploited? How can you be so thick, so narrow-minded?