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Re: What are the best classes & specs for each different rol

PostPosted: Sat Mar 19, 2016 2:54 pm
by Dr. Doom
Ana wrote:Rogue no utility? You realise he has more hard CC than all the other classes combined?

Well okay, that's a fat exaggaration, but still...

One of my friends in the guild is an Imp. Sap rogue. He's a minority at level 60 as you well know.
Combat rogues cannot do any start/pull long-lasting CC (or at least can't without risking getting killed in 2 seconds), like polymorph, banish, freezing trap, shackle, hibernate or even fears / turn undead.
I will agree I also exaggerated though. Combat rogues do have blind and gouge for short term, post pull, CC. Unfair to put them in the same pit as Fury Warriors.

Re: What are the best classes & specs for each different rol

PostPosted: Sat Mar 19, 2016 3:59 pm
by JCarrill0
smilkovpetko wrote:
JCarrill0 wrote:/cast Redemption

smilkovpetko wrote: Can you gear a paladin tank without [u]ever having a warrior tank for you?

Yes any Paladin Tank can be geared without any Warrior Tank.

Ok duki, here is a challenge, Clear one MC without any warriors tanking it.

I think that was the point so I challenge you to clear a MC raid without any Warriors tanking. This should be fairly easy.

after that, your next challenge will be to clear.. BWL without any warriors tanking it.
(you might run into trouble for this since each dragon request Taunting, but I'm sure you'll manage).

Oh and Duki, this is no mocking Challenge, I want to see you accept and become victories in this challenge.

you know Druids can replace Warriors , i don't need to prove it myself that . And druids are highly Viable as "Taunt" backup .

regarding Dragons =
Firemaw : pull as Paladin Tank , Tank em 15 Seconds , build aggro , Druid come and taunt last 15 Seconds and soak wing buffed , Boss is automatically on Paladin again after that(from his previous aggro) .

other 2 dragons are similar story , Paladin MT all the time and druids only "Taunt" to soak Wing Buffet.

not a big deal right. Paladin will never loose aggro as he never soak Wing Buffet .
Wing Buffet: Knocks back the target, doing damage and reducing aggro.
In a perfect kill the MT will never take a buffet and will be able to keep ahead of aggro,

His knockbacks (Wing Buffet:) are about 30–35 seconds apart,

that's been said , i am not here to "play challenge" and go full druids raid , but point is that we don't need warrior in order to gear up.

And with 1 Druid supporting i can MT any boss in any raid.

If the Druid is skilled and proper spec, he is perfect combination with Prot Paladin

Ok so your saying you do not accept?
This is exactly what the dude was saying that you will always need a warrior, so until you can do it without one, his claims will remain legit.
I wanted you to prove it can be done :(

Re: What are the best classes & specs for each different rol

PostPosted: Sat Mar 19, 2016 5:12 pm
by smilkovpetko
Can you gear a paladin tank without ever having a warrior tank for you?

Do i need Warrior Tank to get preraid BiS ? no, Do i need Warrior Tank to Clear ZG and get ZG BiS ? no,

Here is the challenge JC , its not that i can't make guild and use Feral Druids , i don't want to do it and this doesn't make him legit at all for that.

The main reason for that is there is not enough Feral Tanks and not enough Skilled Feral Tanks considering the fact of the "anti hybrid" propaganda everywhere so people avoid to play and try them at all.

Yes i can make such guildrun , only if there was enough Feral Druids around , i can see many Prot Paladins due to Guides , but almost no Feral Druids only because there is 0 support toward them by community.

Not like us.

Re: What are the best classes & specs for each different rol

PostPosted: Sat Mar 19, 2016 10:53 pm
by JCarrill0
smilkovpetko wrote:
Can you gear a paladin tank without ever having a warrior tank for you?

Do i need Warrior Tank to get preraid BiS ? no, Do i need Warrior Tank to Clear ZG and get ZG BiS ? no,

Here is the challenge JC , its not that i can't make guild and use Feral Druids , i don't want to do it and this doesn't make him legit at all for that.

The main reason for that is there is not enough Feral Tanks and not enough Skilled Feral Tanks considering the fact of the "anti hybrid" propaganda everywhere so people avoid to play and try them at all.

Yes i can make such guildrun , only if there was enough Feral Druids around , i can see many Prot Paladins due to Guides , but almost no Feral Druids only because there is 0 support toward them by community.

Not like us.

well, I am truly sorry to see it can't be done without a warrior, I guess he was right.
I know that in theory you got the strategy, but until proven, he is pretty much correct on this :(
I was really hoping you could show him up.

Re: What are the best classes & specs for each different rol

PostPosted: Sun Mar 20, 2016 12:53 am
by smilkovpetko
JCarrill0 wrote:
smilkovpetko wrote:
Can you gear a paladin tank without ever having a warrior tank for you?

Do i need Warrior Tank to get preraid BiS ? no, Do i need Warrior Tank to Clear ZG and get ZG BiS ? no,

Here is the challenge JC , its not that i can't make guild and use Feral Druids , i don't want to do it and this doesn't make him legit at all for that.

The main reason for that is there is not enough Feral Tanks and not enough Skilled Feral Tanks considering the fact of the "anti hybrid" propaganda everywhere so people avoid to play and try them at all.

Yes i can make such guildrun , only if there was enough Feral Druids around , i can see many Prot Paladins due to Guides , but almost no Feral Druids only because there is 0 support toward them by community.

Not like us.

well, I am truly sorry to see it can't be done without a warrior, I guess he was right.
I know that in theory you got the strategy, but until proven, he is pretty much correct on this :(
I was really hoping you could show him up.

Even TV Media and 80% of the world believe in God , but who have proved it ???.

Common sense dude.
It can be done without Warrior but need enough Feral Druids in server for that which we don't have many due to anti hybrid sceptic propaganda.

And let me remind you 4 Prot Paladins can Tank Drakes without Warrior , They don't need Rage for aggro and their threat with good SP weapon will skyrock .
What has to be done there is Each Paladin Tank soak once each Wing Buffed and Each Tank Paladin can full time soak debuffs due to "bubble" removing stacks.

Wing Buffed after all doesn't completely wipe your aggro , but part of it.
with 4 Prot paladins full scale threat on it , 2 minutes are more than enough for boss to die.

if i don't do it , doesn't mean that can't be done because it can , if i don't have time to do it doesn't mean that can't be done either.

I am not playing hardcore and i fraps videos to help Prot Paladin community how to play Prot Pala.

Re: What are the best classes & specs for each different rol

PostPosted: Sun Mar 20, 2016 5:27 am
by Rylox
I'd love to see 4 prot paladins tank Ebonroc.

Re: What are the best classes & specs for each different rol

PostPosted: Sun Mar 20, 2016 6:23 am
by smilkovpetko
Rylox wrote:I'd love to see 4 prot paladins tank Ebonroc.

Ebonroc , the easiest one :

Wing Buffet reduce threats by 50% , which will affect only front target, you can use 2 corner sides (to prevent knockbacks) , 1 for the current mt and 2nd for the rest 3 tanks.

When wing buffet (each 30 seconds) is used to MT he will automatic switch to next threat target (similar to vaelstrasz),until he reach to the 4th tank , the previous 1st tank with enough +sp will easy regain aggro from the reduced 50% at wing buffed .

feel free to use Onyxia Cloak+200-300 Shadow Resistance

This will make you resist every single Shadow of Ebonroc and prevent Boss from healing,since 90% chances are to resist using 200-300 shadow resist if by mistake tank is affected make sure you have 1 Arms warrior spamming Mortal strike on boss and enjoy.
Revision as of 18:23, October 28, 2006
Shadow of Ebonroc is a debuff cast on the main tank. While active, Ebonroc gains 25000 health everytime he strikes that target. It cannot be dispelled, and you must wait the full duration (8 seconds) for the debuff to fade. It can be resisted with high shadow resist,

Keep noted that Bubble can remove the Debuff

Re: What are the best classes & specs for each different rol

PostPosted: Sun Mar 20, 2016 2:10 pm
by Ana
Rylox wrote:I'd love to see 4 prot paladins tank Ebonroc.

Rylox wrote:I'd love to see 4 prot paladins tank Ebonroc.

Rylox wrote:see

Lots of talking, very little doing, as usual.

Re: What are the best classes & specs for each different rol

PostPosted: Sun Mar 20, 2016 6:19 pm
by JCarrill0
Duki, please don't assume that I think less of you, you clearly are out on the same line I am, Proving Prot Paladins are viable in Vanilla.

I'm not saying if YOU can't do it, no one can, but I am thinking your using words more then actions.
That's my point. I have faith YOU can do it rather then using theories to prove it can be done. People needs actions to speak louder then just words.

I might be banned from Nostalrius (stupid hackers), but I still believe it can be done. If your not raiding hardcore, fine but until this has been done on Nostalrius, the naysayers have it.

Re: What are the best classes & specs for each different rol

PostPosted: Sun Mar 20, 2016 8:19 pm
by smilkovpetko
JCarrill0 wrote:I might be banned from Nostalrius (stupid hackers), but I still believe it can be done. If your not raiding hardcore, fine but until this has been done on Nostalrius, the naysayers have it.

this reminds me on ... 75#p179388

check the list of videos today , i been same back then and i still remain the same , nothing been changed.

Theory i gave is not written anywhere , if i didn't done this theory in practice i wouldn't know it , but i have already solo tank Ebonroc with only 1 taunter for "wing buffed" soaking , otherwise Ebonroc with 300 shadow resistance is "solo" tanking .

now imagine , taunter can be also druid instead warrior.

and last one was with 4 prot paladins , naysayers can feel free to think different i don't care at all , there been naysayers and trolls and there always will be.

Should i care ? no. i just say how it is best and i work my best to help protection paladin community how to play in order to prove everyone how viable they could be.

Example i never been in Zul'Gurub in Nostalrius either but see this (because of my talking too much) : ... 10#p273398

Very possible, Duki. My threat on Hakkar was insane, so I had to eat two MCs before I had aggro issues.