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Re: Tanking

by smilkovpetko » Tue Jul 14, 2015 1:27 pm

St0rfan wrote:Okay, I wouldnt go so far as to say these are impossible without taunt, however being able to taunt greatly reduce their difficulty.

- ZG spiderboss
- ZG Bloodlord Mandokir
- ZG jindo
- ZG Hakkar
- MC Ragnaros
- BWL Vaelstrasz (MT dies, boss turns and starting to massacre melee)
- BWL Firemaw
- BWL Flamegor
- BWL Ebonroc
- BWL Chromaggus
- AQ40 Skeram splits
- AQ40 Twin Emperors
- AQ40 Ouro

- Naxx, no idea as I havnt raided it at lvl60.

ZG spiderboss - 2 Groups split between melee and range, 2 tanks , 1 at range , 1 at melee.

Maintank Paladin Stays at Melee and start Tanking boss 1st . He rebuild enormous Threats.
2nd Phase boss web the melee together with Paladin Tank and (wipe out completely their agro) .
Boss head to Range group and Warrior Taunt. Boss Web Range Boss with Warrior.
Melees and Paladin Tank are released from web and start from 0 threat.
Paladin Tank Take over The boss and gg.

- ZG Bloodlord Mandokir

Boss swap the agro between the top 2 High Threats
Paladin Start Tanking Boss , Warrior stay in the group Prepared to Taunt the boss when he charge and run to group.
Warrior Taunt and Adopt the Agro from 2nd Damage Dealer.
Warrior Run back to Paladin Tank and Paladin Tank overagro it with melee swings easy since he kept the Threats from the beginning.
Boss again on Paladin Tank , Warrior get back to Range position.
In case Warrior Tank MT the target , Paladin is always 2nd on Threat and boss automaticly run to Paladin on Threat switching.

- ZG jindo

Paladin Stays all the Time 2nd on Threat and his Threats will never be reduced .
Warrior Taunt boss and soak the Crowd Controls .

- ZG Hakkar

Same As Jindo.
Warrior use Taunt and Macro immediate with Mockingbow in case he resist taunt.

- MC Ragnaros

Ranges Agro here doesn't Exist unless they stand in melee.
When Melee run away from Knockback their threat is automaticly Reseted.
Tanks don't even need Taunt here. All they need is to run First to the boss each knockback.

- BWL Vaelstrasz (MT dies, boss turns and starting to massacre melee) so wrong info (immune to taunts)

Infinite Rage,Infinite Mana
Boss can be done with 2 or 3 Tanks.
Paladin is able to do crazy amount of Damage and Threats , Taunts here are useless .
As Second Threat Tank , Paladin Can do amazing amount of threats , He can also use Bubble to reset his Debuff stacks and this will allow him to Tank twice this boss in row.

- BWL Firemaw
- BWL Flamegor
- BWL Ebonroc

Wing buffed is same for all these 3.

Paladin should be Maintank here , Warrior Taunt before this wing buffed happen , once Wing buffed hit warrior then the boss switch to Paladin Tank again automaticly.

- BWL Chromaggus (immune to taunts)

Without Timelaps is Tank/Spank.
With Timelaps :

Everyone should stay infront of boss in order to get their Aggro reset during this period , while tanks hiding behind to keep their Aggro.

- AQ40 Skeram splits

Once the boss Clone and/or split or blink he completely reset agro.
1 Judgement of righteous and probably consecration is more than enough to Aggro it.

- AQ40 Twin Emperors

Melee Twin is immune to all schools but it is not immune on Holy School.
Twins automaticly gain enormous threats (auto taunt) the closest target during their Teleport.

- AQ40 Ouro

3 Tanks should be spread among 3 different sides from boss.

Once the boss use swep he will automaticly switch to other Tank.
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Re: Tanking

by JCarrill0 » Tue Jul 14, 2015 1:36 pm

Duki speaks the truth
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Re: Tanking

by Theloras » Tue Jul 14, 2015 5:20 pm

I think what Duki and JC are trying to say is that having a taunt is a crutch for Warriors. Overall, 3/4 of the bosses in Vanilla WoW are immune to taunt so in those encounters Paladins not having one is a moot point. A good tank manages threat and makes adjustments to either raise or lower it accordingly.

I, myself never Main Tanked a raid boss (not that I couldn't) it's just that it wasn't something that I wanted to do on a regular basis. I enjoyed AOE tanking and literally blowing the $hit out of an entire room of mobs with Consecration + Force Reactive Disc and hitting 4k DPS in the process.

Re: Tanking

by smilkovpetko » Tue Jul 14, 2015 6:36 pm

i have maintanked and still maintanking as paladin any raid.

That i am trying to tell them :)

we are viable if all go following proper and original boss mechanic tactics .
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Re: Tanking

by tunguska » Tue Jul 14, 2015 9:10 pm

Druid tanks are arguably the best "offtank" in the game, though pala definitely has them beat in AOE encounters. Why not have both in a raid?

Druid can go DPS (kitty) and buff their melee group until needed to offtank, or battlerez/innervate/decurse/heal, whichever the case may be.

Feral druids do lag behind a lot in MC gear, not quite as much in BWL, and by the time I was in AQ gear I was able to hang with (and often come ahead of) the hunters pretty easily.

Pala can be there to tank for AOE encounters, and with the right spec can be effective healers as well.

All of this also allows more warriors to roll a DPS spec, which they are usually happy with, plus more dps for the raid.

Is it 100% optimal? Debatable for sure, because how do you measure the usefulness of either of these specs? For instance when one of my fellow DPS dies and I rez him on the spot during a DPS check fight, do we add his DPS to mine? (we should :p), or rezzing the main tank in a crutch when all other druids may be out of range/los (depending on encounter), or changing from DPS to main tank in a crutch when your MT dies (better pop on that warden staff!) and tank the boss for the last 5%.

Furthermore, isn't this spec even more heavily relied on player skill than most raid specs? Maybe that's why the stigma exists, as people think of feral druids as "those guys that never leave cat form, which is basically a gimped rogue".

I still don't understand why so many guilds are worried about min/maxing to the extent of ruining the fun for some of their guildmates, on farmed 10 year old content? Live a little.
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Re: Tanking

by Theloras » Tue Jul 14, 2015 9:45 pm

tunguska wrote:I still don't understand why so many guilds are worried about min/maxing to the extent of ruining the fun for some of their guildmates, on farmed 10 year old content? Live a little.

Pretty much this :P

Re: Tanking

by smilkovpetko » Tue Jul 14, 2015 9:56 pm

i just post this reply to repeat if someone have missed :

Prot paladin is not only Aoe Tank and he have crazy amount of single target threats if he use strong spell damage weapon , spell damage enchant on weapon/shoulders , greater arcane elixir and brilliant wizard oil.

these things make prot paladin even undergeared to be best maintarget aggro tank with almost 300 mana wasted on single bossfight.

i use holy shield prepull , joc on target and sor - drinking coffee 30 seconds , reseal sor - again watching on facebook and drinking coffee for another 30 seconds - i am back in game and boss is killed successful .
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Re: Tanking

by zmandude24 » Mon Aug 10, 2015 6:28 am

Warriors are your only choice if you want to tank full time. Druids, Paladins, and Shamans in tank spec are inferior to even a dps warrior with a 1H and shield. Vanilla has god awful class balance, but every class has something unique it can provide to a group.
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Re: Tanking

by Theloras » Mon Aug 10, 2015 7:00 am

zmandude24 wrote:Warriors are your only choice if you want to tank full time. Druids, Paladins, and Shamans in tank spec are inferior to even a dps warrior with a 1H and shield. Vanilla has god awful class balance, but every class has something unique it can provide to a group.

Warriors are shite tanks in 5/10mans if more than 1 mob is pulled.

Consecration is lulz for AoE agro compared to TAB Targeting Sunders

It also takes twice as long with a warrior tanking compared to a Paladin

Re: Tanking

by St0rfan » Mon Aug 10, 2015 8:00 am

Theloras wrote:
zmandude24 wrote:Warriors are your only choice if you want to tank full time. Druids, Paladins, and Shamans in tank spec are inferior to even a dps warrior with a 1H and shield. Vanilla has god awful class balance, but every class has something unique it can provide to a group.

Warriors are shite tanks in 5/10mans if more than 1 mob is pulled.

Consecration is lulz for AoE agro compared to TAB Targeting Sunders

It also takes twice as long with a warrior tanking compared to a Paladin

If a prot warrior got problems handling more than 1 mob he's simply a bad tank. Aoe tanking becomes difficult once you exceed 3-4 mobs. This is all situational ofcourse, depending on type of mob, gear of the warrior, Aoe Capabilities of the group etc. It should be noted that a few items out there makes Aoe tanking a breeze even for a warrior. I myself have no trouble at all tanking large packs as long as I use the following items:

- Skullflame shield + thorium shield spike.
- Thrashblade + Fiery enchant.
- Ramsteins lightning bolts.
- Hand of Justice.

Alternatives and additions to this list would be:

- Ironfoe (best aoe tank weapon appart for Thunderfury and thrashblade).
- Crest of Retribution (Drops from Ramstein.
- Nagelring.
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