Let's compile a list that faction trinket's DON'T work on...

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Let's compile a list that faction trinket's DON'T work on...

by Päntërä » Sun Jul 19, 2015 11:08 pm

So far...

Ice Trap
Repentance (did that happen or was i sapped or does that exist here i don't know)
Gouge (need confirmation)

Anything else i missed?

Re: Let's compile a list that faction trinket's DON'T work o

by res » Mon Jul 20, 2015 12:29 am

It says on the class-specific PVP trinkets what they work against.
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Re: Let's compile a list that faction trinket's DON'T work o

by Xylon666Darkstar » Mon Jul 20, 2015 9:26 am

Op, you're stupid as hell.
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Re: Let's compile a list that faction trinket's DON'T work o

by Sheepstick » Mon Jul 20, 2015 10:39 am

You should read the item's tooltip...... to learn what it does.

In vanilla the insignias you get from rank 2 are class based, each one clearing 3 different types of CC.

Re: Let's compile a list that faction trinket's DON'T work o

by Päntërä » Tue Jul 21, 2015 12:28 am

Ok so here's the thing...

First off, I played retail where the insignia worked on everything.

Second off, I did read the tooltips.
Dispels all immobilizing, slow and stuns.

I'm sorry, is a sheep classified as an incapacitate? Does berserker rage work on it then? Is it a stun and it isn't working properly?

Look assholes, I'm aware of what the fucking trinket does but what I am not aware of is the classification of enemy spells.

So next time you guys want to be fucking dicks when I actually have a genuine question why don't you take your two cents of advice, shove it up your ass, and if you can fish it out with your thumb and forefinger in less then ten seconds then it's game on.

Re: Let's compile a list that faction trinket's DON'T work o

by kuurtzen » Tue Jul 21, 2015 12:34 am

that's nasty ass rash you got going there
Senior Sergeant
Senior Sergeant

Re: Let's compile a list that faction trinket's DON'T work o

by euronmisc » Tue Jul 21, 2015 12:55 pm

Päntërä wrote:
Second off, I did read the tooltips.
Dispels all immobilizing, slow and stuns.

I'm sorry, is a sheep classified as an incapacitate? Does berserker rage work on it then? Is it a stun and it isn't working properly?

Sheep is classified as a polymorph effect.

-Movement Slowing Effect
-Horror (basically only death coil)

These are all that I can think of right now.
Sergeant Major
Sergeant Major

Re: Let's compile a list that faction trinket's DON'T work o

by Softarunt » Tue Jul 21, 2015 1:15 pm

^ +Disorient (blind, scatter shot, C'thun axe)

Re: Let's compile a list that faction trinket's DON'T work o

by WhoseDaBeef » Thu Jul 23, 2015 6:33 pm

OP, you may have read the trinket description, but you certainly did not understand it. Immobilize is not the same as Incapacitate. Immobilize is a type of incapacitate, as is slow, stun, and the host of other conditions that the trinket does not cure.

Immobilize is when you're rooted to one spot. You can still use abilities/etc, but you cannot move from your position. I feel like slow and stun are self-explanatory.

The trinkets evolved over time, but in Vanilla WoW, they were class-specific that only cured a few types of incapacitates. Don't rage at others because you don't understand, and own up when you start a stupid topic assuming the trinkets are just broken without asking how they're supposed to work.

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