Mechanics of quest exp to gold conversion?

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Mechanics of quest exp to gold conversion?

by diogenes » Wed Aug 05, 2015 3:25 pm

Can anyone let me know if the quest exp to gold conversion is actually working, or if it is even supposed to be working (I could see this not being implemented due to the fact that there was no gold conversion when the "original" epic mounts were available).

The weird thing about it is that I do seem to be getting more gold than I would if I were gaining exp. For example, One quest I turned in gave my lvl 59 friend 6601 exp and 1g 55s. It gave me (obviously 0 exp) 2g 21s, resulting in 66 additional silver than him, which would appear to be 1 copper per exp (why I did not get 66s 01s I have no clue). However the next quest gave him 3900 exp and 0g 0s 0c, but gave me 23s 40c, which contradicts the former quest with a conversion rate of .6 copper per exp.

Now one of the things that I thought of is that I could be gaining 10% less exp from quests than him since I'm a lvl higher (I'm 60 he's 59). But then its just as bizarre: 1.11 copper per exp for the first quest and .66666 (repeating of course) copper per exp.

Anyways, it seems that you do get more gold, but what is the conversion rate? Is it just something that is made up? What's going on with this? I can't find any information regarding this, so I'd really appreciate it if someone could point me int he proper direction. Thanks a ton!
Senior Sergeant
Senior Sergeant

Re: Mechanics of quest exp to gold conversion?

by thenuclearwalrus » Wed Aug 05, 2015 4:46 pm

In vanilla I dont think there was a set "Money to Exp" conversion, it was just some quests were assigned different amounts of money for a level 60.
Sergeant Major
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