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what class

PostPosted: Sun Aug 09, 2015 2:14 pm
by realbanana
well playing today i was in a group with a pretty good healer so i got to thinking. out of tanking dps and healing for each role. what class stands out for each. not talking about which does the best dps or highest heals but. your just think damn how did he hold aggro on those mobs or hwo did that dps player control one area and still put out dps. lol kinda hard to word this i guess :o

Re: what class

PostPosted: Mon Aug 10, 2015 8:55 pm
by TheFishyOne
Play what appeals most to you, and become good at it. Any RL worth his salt will always take a skilled Beartank or Ret Pally over a garbage Prot Warrior or a Huntard.

Re: what class

PostPosted: Tue Aug 11, 2015 6:34 am
by zmandude24
Druids are mostly if not always healers in endgame. They are the only class that can combat rez (though ironically they don't have a regular rez) and innervate (restores a large amount of a target's mana). Feral is also strong for leveling and a decent tank (though beat out by any non retard warrior).

Hunters are mediocre at best in PvE (only there for misdirects), but they can kite in PvP and are strong against casters. You are also the only class with not only a combat pet, but the majority of the beast mobs are tameable, meaning you have a wide variety of options for a pet. You even get to name your pet.

Mages are vending machines but they also pack a punch in PvE and PvP. They are high dps in raids and can PvP well (both in frost).

Paladins are alliance only. They are about as good at tanking as druids and will ultimately be healers endgame. They have their bubble and are durable PvP healers. In raids they are simply buff bots that throw out an occasional heal.

Priests are the primary healing class, but you can mind control which is fun. Other than that, they are just "the healer class."

There are way too many rogues on the server so don't bother.

Shamans are pretty known for their totems being used as support. They are like Paladins and Druids in being healers endgame, but they can't tank. However, they are relatively easy to level.

Warlocks are decent dps (though not as good as mages) but are OP in PvP with dot dot fear. Did I mention you get your very own minions?

Warriors are the master tank race. They are also strong dps, but their dps is a joke until raiding gear. You will pretty much have to tank at low levels to find a group, though they have it kind of bad with being overplayed (though not as bad as rogues).