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A pvp dps spec that will also be viable for 5mans and raids?

PostPosted: Sat Feb 06, 2016 9:49 am
by SuperomegaOP
I'm having a tough time picking a class since it takes time to level and i don't want to gimp myself before even realizing it. I've played retail wow since the tail end of BC up until now so i definitely have some wow experience.

I primarily want to pvp but still want to do pve content for gearing/experience, etc. im not really looking to tank or heal, just dps.

For the most part it seems like many classes/specs are pretty subpar when it comes viability. this is based on hearsay since theres no way for me to test any of this without putting in a ton of time.

At first i thought about playing a druid but i heard that feral/boomkin dps isn't very viable in pvp or pve and your stuck being ok/decent healers in 5mans/raids.

Hunters seem about middle of the pack, not too strong, not too weak. easier time to level.

i heard ele shamans can be pretty decent in pvp but are low dps in pve. enh shamans seem like a gimmick in both, i guess it could be fun for windfury 1 shot shenanigans.

ret paladins are bad dps in pve but can potentially be dangerous with reckoning stacking in pvp unfortunately it seems like their main asset is being a support buffer/healer/stunner in pvp and im mainly looking to solo/world pvp while i level and at 60.

i heard undead/dwarf shadow priests can be pretty lethal in pvp but it seems like you can only afford to bring one to raids since you can only have up to 8 or 16 debuffs on bosses.

rogues are rogues. honestly im not very interested in playing rogue tbh, overpopulated, not very appealing.

mages seem invaluable for raiding and are good in pvp from what i can tell but ive mainly played durable melee classes. mage isn't out of the question though.

warlock seems to be the best dps and can be pretty lethal in pvp. if i were to play a caster class warlocks would probably be bit. all of the specs seem have their own gimmick that seems pretty viable in pvp. unsure however. also good to level as.

warriors are the same as rogues for me. overpopulated, not very appealing. i heard they are actually one of the weaker classes when it comes to solo pvp. fury has the potential to be the best dps but requires gear?


it seems like im leaning toward warlocks but tbh shaman, druid, and paladins, and even shadow priests interest me more.

Can anyone go more in-depth about the above classes? i really want to make the right choice before i put in my time and effort.

Re: A pvp dps spec that will also be viable for 5mans and ra

PostPosted: Sat Feb 06, 2016 10:32 am
by euronmisc
You're pretty spot on about druids, hunters, shamans and paladins.

You're right about spriests too, worth noting that 1vs1 and in solo pvp they are truely a m a z i n g, but if you want to raid you might have a hard time finding a guild that isnt completely horrible.

It's notable about mages that they are great fun in 5mans, al though raiding might be a bit boring. In pvp they are amazing peel, support, cc and burst damage. There are multipile options to pvp as a mage, and they're all great fun.

Warlocks really are a complicated story in vanilla. In PvP hey have so many options and different spells, plus pet management. The skill curve of a warlock in vanilla is very steep, and if you don't really know what you're doing you will be absolutely horrible. If you do know what you're doing, warlocks can be absolutely amazing, and can easily 1vs2 or even 1vs3.
That being said, warlock PvE is definitely not rocket science, just like mages. They do decent dps with the current content, but during AQ and Naxx warlocks will start topping charts.

If you're leaning towards a warlock class, and are still not sure about it, Preach uploaded an amazing video about warlocks through the years that contains a lot of great info about vanilla warlocks.

Warlocks really are a complicated class, and have notable downsides but also great positives. It's usually up to the player to utilize your abilities.

Ps: if you want to get hyped for warlock pvp, watch some Seuche or Dusch (shout out to billy) videos.

Warriors you're pretty much right, super weak without gear, but once they get gear they can do amazing PvE dps as fury and RNG crit one shot shit in PvP with arms.

Re: A pvp dps spec that will also be viable for 5mans and ra

PostPosted: Sat Feb 06, 2016 10:35 am
by Ana
No matter what class you pick, cookie cutter pvp and pve specs differ substantially. If you want to be as effective as possible in both then you'll be respeccing very often.

I would say though that a mage has the best chances of winging it with a sort-of hybrid spec.You can go with something like this: , that's lvl 58, the 2 extra points can go to meditation or improved nova or something. From pve point of view you're the inferior-but-viable winters chill guy, from pvp you lose frostbite and shatter crits but can still have plenty of fun being a pain in the ass (which is what mages do).

Re: A pvp dps spec that will also be viable for 5mans and ra

PostPosted: Sat Feb 06, 2016 3:20 pm
by Aethelwulf
Warlock with SM/Ruin. SM/Ruin is the cookiecutter spec for Warlocks, used in all circumstances. Strictly speaking, 7/21/21 DS/Ruin pulls ahead by a little bit in boss fights without adds and is the hard PvE raid spec but the difference between SM/Ruin and DS/Ruin is that DS/Ruin gives you 5% more shadow damage, +15% stamina, and improved healthstones (but you only need 1 or 2 guys with that) at the cost of not proccing instant shadowbolts (which would have been a DPS boost) and not having a pet (so no Imp's Blood Pact stamina buff for your group or Felhunter if your raid needs the extra dispel duty) so it's negligible enough that even hardcore raids tend not to press the issue on SM/Ruin vs DS/Ruin. The other raiding perk of Warlocks is that Life Tap means you won't farm Demonic or Dark Runes for raids or care about mana/5 or Spirit either.

If you intend on PvPing as a Warlock, I recommend playing Horde faction because otherwise you go up against Shaman Tremor Totems and undead WotF, making the Warlock's only forms of crowd control (fear and seduce) completely terrible. Seeing as the Warlock has no mobility or even casting pushback resistance, the Warlock pretty much needs successful Fears (and Curse of Exhaustion, but Rogues have sprint and stronger slows and Warriors have intercept and hamstring) to kite his enemies.

Re: A pvp dps spec that will also be viable for 5mans and ra

PostPosted: Mon Mar 07, 2016 12:11 pm
by catburglar
The best class for never respec pve/pvp is warlock. sm/ruin 30-0-21. Every raid needs at least 1-2 for the imp.

Re: A pvp dps spec that will also be viable for 5mans and ra

PostPosted: Sat Mar 19, 2016 4:29 am
by sgtnanners
Shamans can heal fine in raids using the pvp spec. Most guilds will be fine with you running the elemental build and it is pretty easy to get gear to pvp with. The spec is something like depending on what you want.

Re: A pvp dps spec that will also be viable for 5mans and ra

PostPosted: Sat Mar 19, 2016 12:23 pm
by Aethelwulf
You can try but most guilds will give you the boot if your healbot Shaman doesn't have Mana Tide. It's simply too good for raids to overlook.

The Shamans who get away with it either have terrible guilds or are otherwise so good (ie. overgeared) that their guild will make an exception for them. However, if you're in a high-end raiding scene everyone will be using BiS gear and the guy who doesn't have a full healbot spec doesn't really belong. Also your spec makes a lot of questionable choices for PvP, like 1/5 Reverb.

Re: A pvp dps spec that will also be viable for 5mans and ra

PostPosted: Tue Mar 22, 2016 7:43 pm
by zmandude24
If you really want to be optimal in PvP and still get a core raid spot in a decent guild, the only option is to respec constantly. Sure you can get invited to some raids as a PvP caster dps but you will be benched as soon as they get an equally skilled/geared replacement with the proper raiding spec.