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Re: Elysium - new upcoming Vanilla server

PostPosted: Thu Oct 06, 2016 7:18 pm
by smilkovpetko

Re: Elysium - new upcoming Vanilla server

PostPosted: Thu Oct 06, 2016 8:07 pm
by Hawt
smilkovpetko wrote:

nice patrolling

Re: Elysium - new upcoming Vanilla server

PostPosted: Fri Oct 07, 2016 5:50 pm
by bobmasculo
Well I have a 47 warrior in elisium .. My conclusion is that I should not go up to the 60s, the population of the server is very small even after a 8 weeks i will restart lv 1 in Kronos 2.

Re: Elysium - new upcoming Vanilla server

PostPosted: Fri Oct 07, 2016 9:38 pm
by locario
bobmasculo wrote:Well I have a 47 warrior in elisium .. My conclusion is that I should not go up to the 60s, the population of the server is very small even after a 8 weeks i will restart lv 1 in Kronos 2.

Let see that when Blizzard say NO to legacy

Re: Elysium - new upcoming Vanilla server

PostPosted: Tue Oct 11, 2016 7:04 pm
by Bearier
bobmasculo wrote:Well I have a 47 warrior in elisium .. My conclusion is that I should not go up to the 60s, the population of the server is very small even after a 8 weeks i will restart lv 1 in Kronos 2.

What is the population, about?

Re: Elysium - new upcoming Vanilla server

PostPosted: Thu Oct 13, 2016 3:33 pm
by bobmasculo
anrey wrote:~1100

Well the peaks of European schedules reaches this number (ie the 500 + - for each side), the American schedule this drops to 600 + - (from about 300 to each side), this number is waiting for a starting warsong by example be not less than 20 minutes. To be clear I do not think the bad server just does not work for me.

Re: Elysium - new upcoming Vanilla server

PostPosted: Sat Oct 15, 2016 12:38 am
by smilkovpetko ... ntry238966

Dear friends!

First and foremost, I want to apologize to PvP Community for having forbidden cross-fraction transfer. I know how important it is for you to actively play on the Battlegrounds without having to wait for 40 minutes on end due to imbalances in Alliance/Horde player numbers. I also know how worried and willing to help our GMs are.

However, there are reasons for this restriction. First, we can't perform the transfer automatically, and manual transfers take too much time that we currently don't have. Second, we cannot break a promise we've made: to leave this world untouched from outside, let it develop naturally, without artificial modifications from the staff. Finally, allowing transfers now would have created issues in the future, when we would have to finally restrict transfers. That would be unfair to players who wouldn't get the chance for a transfer because they missed the opportunity.

We might consider a limited form of transfer in the future (i.e. a single bi-monthly transfer per player), but I highly doubt the possibility that it will be implemented. We'll let the community decide when we have the resources and the need to implement this feature.

We hope you understand and share our concerns about not interfering with the server's development.

I want to make a separate apology for failures in honor calculation. Implementing automated recalculations is a serious step for a classic server (due to difficulties in predicting what may possibly go wrong). Still, we had to go through the update as soon as possible so as not to affect the raiding prime-time of Saturday evening. Starting with next week, all honor measures should even out and work correctly. The update will take place on Wednesday morning, at 03:00 GMT+4.

The project's future

The World of Warcraft as we remember it from 2004 is impossible to forget. Our adventures are still one of the brightest memories for us, and we'd very much like to bring back that same mysterious world full of fun and complicated adventures. Many say that the game is outdated, but we disagree. This experience is valuable to us, so I want to share the Elysium Team's goals with you.

We are the people who spend their free time on the project. Some are nostalgic for the old times, some are irrationally driven to recreate that very same game. Some have been developing emulators for 10 years, some just like to help others, and others just like the thrill of competing with other projects. We still have one common goal: create a good server that people will play on.

When we first launched Elysium, we used to boast our 8-year experience in server development. We realize now that this was the wrong way to look at things, because Elysium is only the FIRST time we've gone international. We are a team of about 30 people from all over the world, yet united by a weird, irrational goal of creating the best vanilla WoW server. We exchange experience, learn form our past and current mistakes and take every issue to heart. I know the English-speaking community doesn't always get proper feedback from our Russian-speaking developer team, but that doesn't mean we don't care. This is not a hobby: I can safely say that we live for this project.

The situation is complicated in the emulation community today. One such issue is that we launched in the same month as Legion. Now, the players await wonders from Blizzcon, and yet more people can't choose a server due to trust issues after Nostalrius shut down. We all have the right to hope for something. All our team can do at the moment is continue development -- mechanics issues, raid content issues, pathfinding bugs. I believe our weekly patch notes speak for us: we actually care.

In the past, the Valkyrie administration acted apart from the player community, but right now I see that we can't rely only on ourselves. So I ask you, the players, to listen to our worries in the same way we pay attention to yours. The player count is dropping daily. I believe that if we want to work on a playable server for people who actually need it, we must work together. Please don't expect to see expensive advertising,... we're a non-commercial project; we don't have a shop and we will never have one.

For our mutual future, only you can influence the online rates. Tell people about Elysium, invite friends over, spread the word in general.

Of course, we still have to pay the server costs. Our first transfer went wrong, so we're currently expecting the refund from the hosting center in order to finally migrate to a better machine (this weekend). After we migrate, the server will be able to handle really high online numbers. Once it happens, we'll be happy to hear any advertisement proposals, both commercial and non-commercial.

We've made a lot of mistakes since launch, but I can tell you one thing: the Valkyrie server was online for 8 years and has never been forcibly shut down. This is our firm belief that will never change. I hope to have your support. Only by working together we'll be able to build a truly welcoming and hospitable world that no-one will want to leave.

Re: Elysium - new upcoming Vanilla server

PostPosted: Sun Oct 16, 2016 5:46 pm
by smilkovpetko
j9a2per1990, Summer, Hoof, thank you.

Many players have said this post is a "Scream of desperation", but it is not. This post is about honesty and trust. This is a post explaining what we are going through and working on so that you will understand where we are presently. It would not have been posted to begin with, but many players asked for us to explain the problems we faced and how they could help. This october is a difficult time for any emulated server. Elysium is not dying, as many think, and be sure it will be up for years to come. We have many plans, but foremost we require help and support from the community.

Xadas, That Druid, well, we have developers that work on different levels. Some work on difficult problems like pathing, and some work on easier things, such as minor NPC fixes and database issue. Minor bugs still need to be fixed, and by being fixed do NOT take time away from the more difficult things. So comments such as, "The devs are ignoring the players and fixing minor things while big problems exist!" are not really valid, because the issues are being tackled seperately by two seperately skilled devs.

That aside, pathfinding is always being worked on, and you will see an increase of it's quality this week.

Re: Elysium - new upcoming Vanilla server

PostPosted: Tue Oct 18, 2016 9:00 pm
by Magnifican
So duki, I see you wrote this: ... 5&p=239003
Not very pleased anymore are you? Will you finally come to the other side? This is not meant to be an insult, im just saying. No amount of paladin "fixes" is going to make up for these gamebreaking issues.

Re: Elysium - new upcoming Vanilla server

PostPosted: Tue Oct 18, 2016 9:19 pm
by smilkovpetko
Magnifican wrote:So duki, I see you wrote this: ... 5&p=239003
Not very pleased anymore are you? Will you finally come to the other side? This is not meant to be an insult, im just saying. No amount of paladin "fixes" is going to make up for these gamebreaking issues.

Just to remind you that Crestfall will be terrible place for Paladins and for me always will be terrible server.
No matter what your opinion is , i just copy paste announcements , the same i did for crestfall.

Instead you are the one getting insulted for a reason of their own announcement written ® by Crestfall.

This is my answer : No matter what , Elysium is the only server where things work 100% Blizzlike (1.12 patch) and it is only server where Paladin Abilities work!

There are bugs = ofc.
The main issue is Pathfinding and the only real issue which is on PTR soon will be history (completely fixed).