Roleplay on Nostalrius

Role-play forum section.

Roleplay on Nostalrius

by Meistern » Sat May 09, 2015 12:30 am


I've discovered several fine lads on the Horde and Alliance side with great interest for roleplay.
Alliance might be the most populated one, but I wish to bring the Horde into the action as well. Me and my friend Tali will be working on future RP with both factions if we get enough interest to join along!
On Horde, I'm currently recruiting all man and women to join the journey I have in store, a story to follow and perhaps develop your character. It'll be a traveling event from point A to point B, with lots of fine events along the way. May you be new to RP, or veteran, I'd be more than happy to have you along! My in-game name is Norwegian, unfitting as the name is. However, let's keep OOC to the OOC block! You can contact me in-game for any information and alike. - As for for the events me and Tali can provide, could be neutral-ish events. Where we could meet up with the Cenarion or Argent Dawn, for tournaments and alike. Tavern RP's at places such as Booty Bay and Ratchet. To keep in touch, keep in contact! Instead of just wasting all your golds on alcoholic beverages in Goldshire along with your friends, why not connect with the Horde side as well? Give this a comment, and contact either Tali (Alliance) or Norwegian (Horde) for more information!

Thanks for reading!

Re: Roleplay on Nostalrius

by pateuvasiliu » Sat May 09, 2015 9:49 pm

Khalgosh, Orc Hunter, reporting for duty.

Re: Roleplay on Nostalrius

by ArtStorm » Sun May 10, 2015 10:53 am

Stormdancer, Tauren Shaman (Mostly played)
Grimbash, Orc Warrior.
Arthurion, level 29 Human Paladin
Ilvastar, level 25 Nightelf Druid
Stormdancer, level 24 Tauren Shaman
Gromnar, level 22 Dwarf Hunter
Spracket, level 10 Gnome Mage
Grimbash, level 2 Orc Warrior

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