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Re: Which lore should be used ?

PostPosted: Fri Feb 20, 2015 9:35 am
by Keldan
Correct for the current iteration of the lore which had many retcons, but I was mainly talking about the preWoW lore.
All orcs were green (except for the chaos orcs in WC3 of course), and that's also why the trolls and the goblins were green : they were in the Horde so green "fitted" their faction.
When the lore was detailed many years after, they tried to explain everything. This made the lore much more complete, but at the root of everything, there are these simplistic design decisions every studios used to make in the 90's.

Re: Which lore should be used ?

PostPosted: Fri Feb 20, 2015 4:28 pm
by TheLockKing
I'd say they were green for color simplicity back in the day (a reason why many games early on were famous for being mostly shades of a single color. Look at Dungeon Keeper). Hell, even DEATH KNIGHTS were green in WC2. WC3 was much more advanced and could handle a wider pallet, so it introduced much of the color differences that didn't exist outside of Cutscenes in the originals such as the pinkish/purple trolls of the Darkspear (with justification they were a different clan than the Amani of Zul'jin).

>.> really, I'm going by everything I learned in my recent replaythrough of WC1-3.

Re: Which lore should be used ?

PostPosted: Fri Feb 20, 2015 11:38 pm
by Aelliah
Draenei and Blood Elf lore do have a place in Vanilla. It's just like how pandaren were in the WoW lore since WC3. Why isn't there pandas in vanilla? I demand panda lore!

Re: Which lore should be used ?

PostPosted: Sat Feb 21, 2015 10:42 am
by Cloud
"So they were eventually tainted with green without being affected by the Curse."

In the book we can see that their were afcted by the curse litle by litle because of their exposition with the land that was curse too ( so food and vegetable were curse certainly because all draenor was cursed an dying ), so they didnt get the power of the curse, but still the color of the skin.

Re: Which lore should be used ?

PostPosted: Mon Feb 23, 2015 3:49 pm
by Fleming
We should just consider the lore that was available at the time of 1.12, but excluding any information that had been released by Blizzard about the upcoming BC expansion that would impact the lore

Re: Which lore should be used ?

PostPosted: Wed Feb 25, 2015 6:26 pm
by 3and20characters
My vote would be RPing as your character, and what that character would know. So very little lore wise, unless told by others or from reading in game quests/books etc. For Forum RP its understandable to RP as someone who knows all about the world and history, but a person just making there way in the world wouldn't really know EVERYTHING about things that are long past or in some far off place. So I would say option 4 suits it from a character perspective.

Re: Which lore should be used ?

PostPosted: Fri Feb 27, 2015 3:58 am
by Knetik
As the above poster mentioned, you are RPing your character. Your character does not have knowledge of the future, end of story. We can take some now known knowledge and inject it as someone else mentioned, (ie. "This place reminds me of a long forgotten battle. The smell is reminiscent of Draenei younglings...") Here you could bring in Draenei yet still be present in this timeline.

All I would ask is that we don't jump timelines. Your character is from the timeline in 1.4 currently, not even 1.12. Stay in character to the respective releases and patches. If you must reference other parts of the story, mention them in a historical aspect.

Re: Which lore should be used ?

PostPosted: Fri Feb 27, 2015 6:45 am
by riq and snog
very interresting indeed. What about troll skin?

Re: Which lore should be used ?

PostPosted: Fri Feb 27, 2015 6:58 am
by riq and snog
riq and snog wrote:very interresting indeed. What about troll skin?

Sorry im not a rp player havent tried to aproach the game that way but i always get cought up reading those threads out of interrest
In order to not get offtopic maybe someone could pm me about the different skin colour of trolls since im gona play one:-) chuck in a piece of tribal lore or a link, would greatly apreciate it:-)
Ofc of the lore version you are going to decide to play...want to fit into the picture
Thank you veery much
Enjoy your time here

Re: Which lore should be used ?

PostPosted: Sat Feb 28, 2015 2:11 pm
by Joseph
- I think we should create our own lore and when I say our own lore I mean a team of people working together to create it. Though I understand that this may be an unreasonable idea, I just suggest it because I think it might be fun if we create something our own rather than staying with 10 year old lore.

If we do create our own lore then we have to explain why things are the way they are:
1. Factions, why are humans and night elves together?
2. History of provinces and kingdoms, why is Andorhal filled with undead?
3. In-game NPC factions like Argent Dawn, Zandalar tribe will probably have to stay the same since there is no way to alter that timeline. (This also involves faction leaders and faction representatives)

- Also I do not believe that lore should be at a standstill even if we do stay at 1.12 lore or 6.0 lore, more storyline should be created as the server progresses or else everyone will be frozen in time. If anything there should be a thread to discuss server-lore or something of the sort to keep players on track or know whats happening, like its a newspaper.

- This idea is just a suggestion and I realize its very incomplete and may be unreasonable.

However I also do like the idea of Role-Playing as your character that learns things through experience.