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Re: Lelurinar the Demon Hunter [DEAD]

PostPosted: Sat Mar 07, 2015 4:38 pm
by Aderlass
I think a Demon Hunter might be more of a profession than a Class. In some cultures shamans are the ones who talk to spirits and ghosts of past times, in others its druids and warlocks who themselves wield demonic powers. Choose by own will i say !

Re: Lelurinar the Demon Hunter [UN-DEAD]?

PostPosted: Sun Mar 08, 2015 2:30 am
by Unknown
Ugh...I regret killing off Lelurinar so hastily :'( . I need to play a character with a purpose, and what greater purpose in this game is there than fighting against The Burning Legion and, to a lesser extent, the Scourge. Well, considering that's a matter of opinion, there probably are some (like perhaps Snide's). However, I'm still VERY satisfied with this one.

Is there any way to bring back dead RP characters back to life? I don't want to pretend like he didn't die (because he did die; I killed him D': what have I done!?), and I also don't want to irritate the people I hope to play with (the RP community) by doing something very lame (i.e. producing some deus ex machinima).
Is this going too far?

A month had passed by until the watchful hooded figure, confident no living being was nearby, approached Lelurinar's deteriorated and animal-scavenged corpse. Kneeling over the body, the individual spoke softly to itself, "A most embarrassing of deaths. Nevertheless, your determination and skills are still needed if it is to be destroyed."

Lelurinar's skull was shaved and stitched back together. The mysterious figure stood and threw their magic-suppressing robe to the ground. Swirls of green and black energy flowed around the surrounding area as the unrobed figure read from its grimoire. The flow of energy ceased abruptly after the necromancer finished the incantation.

"You will live once again. Your body...a defilement of nature...but your purpose...unchanged. Perish again, however, and your soul will remain forever locked in one of my many gems...unable to find peace within itself." The figure donned their cloak and disappeared back into the shadows.

Re: Lelurinar the Demon Hunter [DEAD]

PostPosted: Sun Mar 08, 2015 6:55 am
by Unknown
Fuck it. I'll just make a new character.

Re: Lelurinar the Demon Hunter

PostPosted: Tue Mar 10, 2015 9:35 am
by Unknown
In Character vs. Out of Character:

Unknown wrote:Damn it's boring role playing a character who's sole purpose is to kill members of the Burning Legion (a.k.a demon hunters). Grinding on demon or undead creatures while alone, having to avoid major Night Elf locations, and not really being able to interact with other players (due to the typical views towards demon hunters in most WoW societies) is so dull.


See you in-game.

Re: Lelurinar the Demon Hunter [DEAD]

PostPosted: Tue Mar 10, 2015 10:46 am
by Unknown
Eh, never mind. It's still fairly boring to roleplay a DH when in-character...