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New to the server, got some questions

PostPosted: Mon Mar 14, 2016 1:07 pm
by Melkemannen
Hi! So I am normally playing on an other server, but I am really wondering to try the Nostalrius pvp server.
Because I see there is a very high population, I am really wondering if it is difficult to level up, or are there respawn time that follows how many active people there are in one zone?
Will I too often meet people of the other faction that will kill me, or will it be okey to level up without getting attacked 24/7 by the opposit faction?
-I also wonder, how long does it take to queue for a BG? Is there any big diffrence between horde and allaince when it comes to queue and whos winning most bgs? (And there is only AB, AV and WCG that is in vanilla content correct?).
-When I one day maybe become level 60, will it be easy do join raids etc. or do people have big req.ments? I for example have never done a level 60 raid, so I do not know any tacitcs, I have only played WOTLK.
-Do the server disconnect a lot, or lag a lot? (Is there many DDOS-attacks or problems because of the high population for example)?
-How do the server stay alive? I can see there is no donation shop or vote point shop stuff on this server, something I think is great. Even tho it makes me wonder how do they cover all the servers? I can see they asked for donations not too long ago, but does that mean the server is in trouble? And will it change, will people be able to donate later?
Because as I see the server has grown a lot in a very short time, how are they gonna be able to cover the servers and I am sure the population will increase even more. What will they do if the server for example gets out of hand, and they will need an extra server - will they have to open a donation shop?
-As the server is getting a very huge population, will they ever split the server, because as many know = huge population = even bigger population. Where will the increase end?

Thanks a lot for all answers, I am sorry if this is questions that has been answered many times before. I would also be very happy if there is there are any important about the server you would like to share with me.
(Sorry if many of the questions are dumb, but I like to know a lot befor I commit to an server. I'v been playing for the same private server for many years now, and felt safe with that).

Re: New to the server, got some questions

PostPosted: Mon Mar 14, 2016 2:02 pm
by Dreez
Melkemannen wrote:Because I see there is a very high population, I am really wondering if it is difficult to level up, or are there respawn time that follows how many active people there are in one zone?

Yes, leveling will not be easy, it's highly recommendable to level with a group of friends and try to do dungeons during peak times (usually around 3 pm server time)

Melkemannen wrote:Will I too often meet people of the other faction that will kill me, or will it be okey to level up without getting attacked 24/7 by the opposit faction?

You will be ganked. Once again leveling with a group is recommendable and a lot more fun (you can fight together against players of your level or split up against higher levels so they can only kill one of you)

Melkemannen wrote:-I also wonder, how long does it take to queue for a BG? Is there any big diffrence between horde and allaince when it comes to queue and whos winning most bgs? (And there is only AB, AV and WCG that is in vanilla content correct?).

BG queues are longer for horde than for alliance, win/lose ratio is about equal (there was a post by an admin some time ago)
There only are AV / AB / WSG

Melkemannen wrote:-When I one day maybe become level 60, will it be easy do join raids etc. or do people have big req.ments? I for example have never done a level 60 raid, so I do not know any tacitcs, I have only played WOTLK.

If you are a good/ friendly player and have farmed the pre-raid BiS gear it shouldn't be a problem at all

Melkemannen wrote:-Do the server disconnect a lot, or lag a lot? (Is there many DDOS-attacks or problems because of the high population for example)?

no, there are DDoS attacks but you will only notice an increased delay on abilities, the game will still be playable. is a population tracking website
you can see previous crashes there, uptime can be checked on the main page or by typing ".server info" in game
currently 4 days

Melkemannen wrote:-How do the server stay alive? I can see there is no donation shop or vote point shop stuff on this server, something I think is great. Even tho it makes me wonder how do they cover all the servers? I can see they asked for donations not too long ago, but does that mean the server is in trouble? And will it change, will people be able to donate later?
Because as I see the server has grown a lot in a very short time, how are they gonna be able to cover the servers and I am sure the population will increase even more. What will they do if the server for example gets out of hand, and they will need an extra server - will they have to open a donation shop? ... 03#p262302
that's how

Melkemannen wrote: -As the server is getting a very huge population, will they ever split the server, because as many know = huge population = even bigger population. Where will the increase end?

possibly, no statement yet

have fun :)

Re: New to the server, got some questions

PostPosted: Mon Mar 14, 2016 4:04 pm
by wiseoldenemy
It seems as though the devs do want to fix the problems with this server, although right now there is a lot (lag, overpop), so if you don't care too much about wasted time go ahead and make character its really fun. I recommend alliance for easier questing in the beginning and better pvp.

They sure are really slow though...

Re: New to the server, got some questions

PostPosted: Mon Mar 14, 2016 4:10 pm
by Melkemannen
Thanks a lot for the good answers! Will try to bring some friends with me and start an allaince character:P

Re: New to the server, got some questions

PostPosted: Mon Mar 14, 2016 4:12 pm
by Lifealert