Is Mace Spec working on Nost?

Re: Is Mace Spec working on Nost?

by Amkô » Tue Dec 15, 2015 11:10 am

Yeah taking anger management instead of 1% parry is good, forgot about that.

Booming Voice, yeah was going to as I mentioned.

I agree, 25% are overpowered, and probably the way to go for dungeons (thrashpacks for example), but worse for single target dps (again, dungeons) or finishing a fight earlier.

Did play always with 5/5 enrage back then, thought imp Execute would be nice.

And as you said, TuF is viable since you spend 3/3 in imp harmstring, which is also very good. Worse than a 3sec stun, but good enough I think.


I will keep unbridled wrath because of tanking in dungeons. If I can't find a group I will tank with my 1,50 weapon, where UW helps definetely.

So it will be like (Remember: PvP, Dungeon-Dmg, Dungeon-Tank with it): ... 0000000000
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Senior Sergeant

Re: Is Mace Spec working on Nost?

by tsol1090 » Tue Dec 15, 2015 8:33 pm

on my very first MC raid that I ran i won earthshaker, it has a chance on hit knock back and its a 2h hammer.
I respeccd all the way to arms and put the 5 points on mace spec.

so far the aoe knockback from the weapon itself happends quite often, teh enemy gets a debuff saying he is stunned / whatever.

I duel another warrior friend with tank items just to test this mace further.
the weapon has like a mace incon on teh debuff when it procs
the talent does proc, but just very very rarely.. the enemy (in this case my warrior friend) got a spiral icon debuff (similar to the icon when mobs hit you and you get "dazed")
I might add i havent tried this with dual 1h mace. so far my conclusion is that talent procs almost never, but it does
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Re: Is Mace Spec working on Nost?

by Amkô » Wed Dec 16, 2015 12:23 pm

5/5 are 6% for maces.

Should proc more often and people would recognize it --> Maybe I will test it, but I dont have either the TuF (or any other Mace) nor the money for re-speccing quite often ^^

And maybe one of you mace-users could test it a little further with proc watch and such addons.
Senior Sergeant
Senior Sergeant

Re: Is Mace Spec working on Nost?

by xeslaro » Wed Dec 16, 2015 8:14 pm

I've been using TUF for 4-5 days now, was standing 134 in honor last week.. I have seen probably 15 total mace stuns in this entire time, and maybe as many TUF procs. It's very underwhelming and the lack of Rage generation makes Mace Spec almost not worth speccing into. But TUF is still a really great weapon.. Mace Spec is not great though.


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