Legplates of Wrath and other "Use:" effects pre 1.4

Legplates of Wrath and other "Use:" effects pre 1.4

by Valentine » Tue Jan 05, 2016 12:27 am

Hey fellow warriors. Sorry if this is old news to folks on the PVP server. I've tried to do some searches without any luck; here's hoping you can answer a quick question for me.

So the current version of Legplates of Wrath on the PVE realm has "Use: increases your defense skill by 11". As you might imagine, equipping the item does not result in a corresponding increase in my defense skill (whereas items that say "Equip: increase your defense skill..." work fine). The legplates appear clickable (they even have a 30 second cooldown, like trinks do, whenever I equip them), but when I click the legs they do nothing. My defense skill value doesn't change.

Just wanted to confirm with you folks whether this is known, expected behavior that gets updated along with the rest of MC loot before I run to log it in the nost bug tracker.

Thanks much.

Re: Legplates of Wrath and other "Use:" effects pre 1.4

by chunass » Tue Jan 05, 2016 12:41 am

They're never supposed to have a Use effect, that sounds like a weird bug.
Chunass - 60 Night Elf Hunter
Chew - 60 Human Warrior
<Molten Core Swimteam>
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Re: Legplates of Wrath and other "Use:" effects pre 1.4

by Whiskra » Tue Jan 05, 2016 3:56 pm

Pretty sure Legplates of Wrath didn't have any defense before item update on the PvP realm, just dodge.

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