Arms Warrior - What do you think?

Re: Arms Warrior - What do you think?

by mike1097 » Thu Feb 05, 2015 1:32 pm

That's exactly my thought.

It's quite hard to find a good spec for pve
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Re: Arms Warrior - What do you think?

by Mootaro » Thu Feb 05, 2015 3:52 pm

finding a good pve specc for a 2h weapon warrior is easy.
you take the fury dw spec and replace the talents that only increase the dw dmg with sometyhing more useful and then you are done.

Re: Arms Warrior - What do you think?

by Armilus » Thu Feb 05, 2015 9:19 pm

For alliance you can also do something like ... 5113e21241 for a 2H fury build. In my experience it comes out ahead of arms for single target dps and you really need the flurry talent with no WF. Without flurry you run into situations where you have no rage for 10+ seconds often enough to hate your life.
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Re: Arms Warrior - What do you think?

by Thrashing » Thu Feb 05, 2015 9:27 pm

Since we're talking specs, I'll throw some basic ones out there.

Basic Fury PvE spec: ... 452501c51r
(Note: for maximum PvE gain remove the point in Piercing Howl and use it to fill out 5/5 Imp Battle Shout. I personally don't do this because Piercing Howl is useful in 5 and 20man instances and makes you less of a sitting duck in any PvP you encounter.)

Basic Arms PvP spec: ... 5c0104005x
(Obvious weapon specialisations depend on your weapon. Taking Blood Craze instead of Imp Battle Shout is personal preference.)

2H Fury PvE: ... 025010251r

Arms PvE: ... 5050104c5x

These last 2 specs I just thought up in 10 seconds as I rarely spec into anything else than the basic Fury PvE and Arms PvP specs. I've quite possibly overlooked something obvious. But as a guideline it works.
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Re: Arms Warrior - What do you think?

by Smorgeybork » Thu Feb 05, 2015 10:03 pm

Thrashing wrote:Since we're talking specs, I'll throw some basic ones out there.

Basic Fury PvE spec: ... 452501c51r
(Note: for maximum PvE gain remove the point in Piercing Howl and use it to fill out 5/5 Imp Battle Shout. I personally don't do this because Piercing Howl is useful in 5 and 20man instances and makes you less of a sitting duck in any PvP you encounter.)

Basic Arms PvP spec: ... 5c0104005x
(Obvious weapon specialisations depend on your weapon. Taking Blood Craze instead of Imp Battle Shout is personal preference.)

2H Fury PvE: ... 025010251r

Arms PvE: ... 5050104c5x

These last 2 specs I just thought up in 10 seconds as I rarely spec into anything else than the basic Fury PvE and Arms PvP specs. I've quite possibly overlooked something obvious. But as a guideline it works.

Do you think the hybrid 31/5/15 spec is viable compared to these? I want to be able to do multitask on my warrior without buying a spec switch every time I want to do something else.
Here's the build (axe spec for orc, can be whatever):
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Re: Arms Warrior - What do you think?

by Thrashing » Fri Feb 06, 2015 12:33 am

Smorgeybork wrote:Do you think the hybrid 31/5/15 spec is viable compared to these? I want to be able to do multitask on my warrior without buying a spec switch every time I want to do something else.
Here's the build (axe spec for orc, can be whatever):

Link doesn't work, copy the url that's posted right above the talent trees, not in your webbrowser.

Regardless, I personally think that hybrid specs simply aren't really worth it. You can tank 5mans and offtank ZG/Molten Core just fine as Fury or Arms, provided you did put some effort into your gear.
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Re: Arms Warrior - What do you think?

by mike1097 » Fri Feb 06, 2015 6:54 am

It will be hard for me to play pve and pvp because of my job. I have no time to level 2 chars. Hmmmmm
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Re: Arms Warrior - What do you think?

by Smorgeybork » Fri Feb 06, 2015 8:00 am

Thrashing wrote:
Smorgeybork wrote:Do you think the hybrid 31/5/15 spec is viable compared to these? I want to be able to do multitask on my warrior without buying a spec switch every time I want to do something else.
Here's the build (axe spec for orc, can be whatever):

Link doesn't work, copy the url that's posted right above the talent trees, not in your webbrowser.

Regardless, I personally think that hybrid specs simply aren't really worth it. You can tank 5mans and offtank ZG/Molten Core just fine as Fury or Arms, provided you did put some effort into your gear.

Damn... fixed the link: ... 105p5c5e5i

I put 3 points into imp hamstring for pvp purposes, this spec is supposed to perform decently in battlegrounds. I'm obviously not going to be maintanking or top dps with a spec like this, but could this be usable with decent gear? I'm willing to sacrifice some performance for the flexibility it offers.
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Re: Arms Warrior - What do you think?

by Netherfrost » Fri Feb 06, 2015 9:11 am

Hybrid speccs are halfhearted, mortal strikes eats up a debuff slot, not only dpsing less than ideal, but also taking a slot so a warlock cant corruption on (strongest debuff aside from the mandatory, except SWP because you should only have 1 spriest). If you have the time, farm those extra golds for the extra respecc, plan out your time for when you wish to pve, farm and when you wanna focus entirely on pvp, as T already noted you can tank 5 mans and OT just fine in the pure Fury/Arms speccs, as long as you put time and effort into gathering proper items. Imho this leans up against a guy gearing as mail/leather instead of plate, entirely for the purpose of lowering your repair costs, you're simply gimping yourself in both areas for the purpose of doing both.
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Re: Arms Warrior - What do you think?

by mike1097 » Fri Feb 13, 2015 12:42 pm

60 Protection Warrior
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