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Re: [GUIDE] Fury Pre-Raid-BiS-List / Specs / Enchants

PostPosted: Tue Nov 03, 2015 9:09 pm
by MrCer
Necrosthevile wrote:The guiding star on gearing as fury has to be about rate generation and rage management. Hitting more often generates more rage. Critting also generates more rage than a white hit. The goal is to generate enough rage to always be able to use BT and WW on cooldown and to throw in a generous amount of Heroic Strikes/Cleaves.

With talents you start with 0% hit and 10% crit (5% innate crit, 5% talent). You should shoot to have an additional 20% crit/hit, leaning towards hit as best you can. Crit is easier to stack, there is a lot more gear with it, but as long as you can generate the necessary rage required to keep up your basic rotation you can pull your own weight and justify yourself a raid slot.

Cool I'll just wait and see how I do in ubers and see how I'm doing on my rotation (:

Re: [GUIDE] Fury Pre-Raid-BiS-List / Specs / Enchants

PostPosted: Tue Nov 03, 2015 9:38 pm
by St0rfan
MrCer wrote:
Necrosthevile wrote:The guiding star on gearing as fury has to be about rate generation and rage management. Hitting more often generates more rage. Critting also generates more rage than a white hit. The goal is to generate enough rage to always be able to use BT and WW on cooldown and to throw in a generous amount of Heroic Strikes/Cleaves.

With talents you start with 0% hit and 10% crit (5% innate crit, 5% talent). You should shoot to have an additional 20% crit/hit, leaning towards hit as best you can. Crit is easier to stack, there is a lot more gear with it, but as long as you can generate the necessary rage required to keep up your basic rotation you can pull your own weight and justify yourself a raid slot.

Cool I'll just wait and see how I do in ubers and see how I'm doing on my rotation (:

Having 9% hit is a very good start (and even essential). If you can manage this as a first step, you will do fine in raids.

Re: [GUIDE] Fury Pre-Raid-BiS-List / Specs / Enchants

PostPosted: Mon Nov 23, 2015 1:56 pm
by Amkô
Is there any rotation "list" or priority for Arms and Fury Warriors?

Can you write it down? :-)

At level 60 the easiest "good" weapon to get is the unstopable force, but it's not good for ARMS-PVE (because of mace talents?) -- Is it good enough for 2h-Fury though?

For Arms-PVP the unstopable force of course is a very good weapon..

Re: [GUIDE] Fury Pre-Raid-BiS-List / Specs / Enchants

PostPosted: Mon Nov 23, 2015 4:49 pm
by St0rfan
Amkô wrote:Is there any rotation "list" or priority for Arms and Fury Warriors?

Can you write it down? :-)

At level 60 the easiest "good" weapon to get is the unstopable force, but it's not good for ARMS-PVE (because of mace talents?) -- Is it good enough for 2h-Fury though?

For Arms-PVP the unstopable force of course is a very good weapon..

Shamelessly stolen from a wise warrior that made me who I am today.

Bloodthirst > Whirlwind > 80+ Rage: Heroic Strike / Cleave (if 2 mobs or high threat)
Overpower when your attack is dodged
Execute spam when enemy is below 20%

This rotation is not set in stone and highly circumstantial. On horde side for example, you can heroicstrike sooner since you will have Windfury (unless threat is an issue). This also applies for alliance warriors when using Ironfoe which produce a ton of extra rage to be dumped. When it comes to Arms, simply dont raid as arrms. Dont do it.

On a personal note regarding 2h-fury, I wouldnt do it unless I had BRE (Bonereavers Edge) or Ashkhandi.

Re: [GUIDE] Fury Pre-Raid-BiS-List / Specs / Enchants

PostPosted: Tue Nov 24, 2015 8:45 am
by Amkô
In "original" Vanilla I played Arms in PvP and was in a very good position dps-wise.
The problem was the generated threat..

But I understand that.

Don't you think that the unstopable force is > for example Dal-Rend combo (2h fury > dw in this case)?

Re: [GUIDE] Fury Pre-Raid-BiS-List / Specs / Enchants

PostPosted: Tue Nov 24, 2015 9:53 am
by St0rfan
Amkô wrote:In "original" Vanilla I played Arms in PvP and was in a very good position dps-wise.
The problem was the generated threat..

But I understand that.

Don't you think that the unstopable force is > for example Dal-Rend combo (2h fury > dw in this case)?

In retail vanilla most players where clueless about pre-raid bis, the right consumables, rotations etc. People as a whole was simply bad (with some exceptions ofcourse). Also the main issue with arms is MS taking up a debuff-slot.

Re: [GUIDE] Fury Pre-Raid-BiS-List / Specs / Enchants

PostPosted: Tue Nov 24, 2015 1:41 pm
by Amkô
Yeah you're right^^

The respeccing thing is annoying me a lil bit..too much gold.

Would like to start as prot (even for BGs..) so I can farm reputation @ AV (weapons) and tanking dungeons for more equipment.

Then going either Arms for PvP or Fury for PvE..

Need that dual-spec from TBC :D

Re: [GUIDE] Fury Pre-Raid-BiS-List / Specs / Enchants

PostPosted: Tue Nov 24, 2015 4:42 pm
by St0rfan
Amkô wrote:Yeah you're right^^

The respeccing thing is annoying me a lil bit..too much gold.

Would like to start as prot (even for BGs..) so I can farm reputation @ AV (weapons) and tanking dungeons for more equipment.

Then going either Arms for PvP or Fury for PvE..

Need that dual-spec from TBC :D

You can tank all 5mans as fury or arms. It will be slightly more challenging but entirely doable.

Re: [GUIDE] Fury Pre-Raid-BiS-List / Specs / Enchants

PostPosted: Mon Nov 30, 2015 9:05 am
by sumail
Anyone know if Zandalar Vindicator's Belt has it's epic stats (25 str 1% crit)? I heard the ZG armors aren't epics in this patch if not what are the stats?

Re: [GUIDE] Fury Pre-Raid-BiS-List / Specs / Enchants

PostPosted: Mon Nov 30, 2015 10:01 am
by Amkô
Storfan, can you tell me why Thrash Blade is better than the Flurry Axe for the offhand? Especially as orc?

Similar dps, same proc, Axe is faster, which is better for the offhand. Please let me know.

I am currently lvl 42 orc warrior and plan to go DW-Fury now. Got the "Winter's bite lvl43 rare axe" and the sword of the omen (SM quest for the offhand). Dont want to play Arms and cant see the whirlwind axe anymore XD