Slam build?

Slam build?

by bockhorm » Sun Dec 06, 2015 10:54 pm


Is anyone actually raiding succesfully with slam? I'm intrigued by this spec and I'd like to know if it is viable with the gear that is currently accessible

Re: Slam build?

by Heldunder » Mon Dec 07, 2015 12:06 am

my first reaction is to tell you that i literally havnt spent the gold on slam yet.

my second is to tell you that youre a terrible person for even thinking about slam.

that being said i dont THINK it's viable, with current gear or otherwise. but im willing to accept the possibility that im wrong.
Sergeant Major
Sergeant Major

Re: Slam build?

by Steelbash » Mon Dec 07, 2015 1:24 am

slam? the only spell for warriors with casting time? nahh
Steelbash <Warsong Outriders>
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Re: Slam build?

by vido » Mon Dec 07, 2015 6:29 am

I play with slam. It's viable to use and there is quite a bit to gain through it's usage, that is if you know when and how to use it.
Sergeant Major
Sergeant Major

Re: Slam build?

by bockhorm » Mon Dec 07, 2015 6:38 am

vido wrote:I play with slam. It's viable to use and there is quite a bit to gain through it's usage, that is if you know when and how to use it.

Vdo, I have to admit I was kind of hoping for you to reply so thank you for that. Would you have the time to please relay a bit more of the specifics of how to use it? As I understand it you use it as a rage dump when BT and WW is on CD, while at the same time timining it with your auto attacks (thus requiring a swing timer addon) but thats pretty much all I know. I would very much appreciate if you could elaborate a bit on its usage, tell me the "rotation" so to say and what gear to look for, I'd be happy to tip you some gold for your trouble (I am horde side too).

Thanks in advance

Re: Slam build?

by vido » Mon Dec 07, 2015 11:27 am

Apart from what you mentioned throwing in hamstrings as well if you can manage to fit one before an auto lands. The trick I found out about just recently is to use SP_swingtimer which changes color when it's sub 1.5s so you can hold off on that global whenever needed.

If rage is hard to come by you use your swing timer to judge where your autos land to maximize hamstrings and throw in a slam or two when you get a WF crit or something.

It honestly wouldn't be too hard though, if you didn't have to wrestle with swing timers bugging out every other swing in a 40man and macros causing fps drops/skips, and having good ping on top of that.

Talenting imp slam doesn't mean much unless you have full world buffs so you can abuse your superior rage dump. On AoE fights you don't want to delay your cleaves with it either and along with the stationary requirement it really restricts it's usage in current content.

You won't have a good time using slam spec unless you commit to it.

Your gear is basically BRE priority, though Ashkandi is also on par (without world buffs) and OEB is a very nice start. Titanics are dropping soon and if you get your hands on a DFT you'll want stuff like hakkar neck, berserker bracers/stability, flameguard etc. It's not rocket science, just takes a bit of common sense to avoid going over hit cap in AQ.
Sergeant Major
Sergeant Major

Re: Slam build?

by JeeTee » Mon Dec 07, 2015 2:53 pm

Too hard to use with flurry unless your ping is perfect.
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Senior Sergeant

Re: Slam build?

by Baalls » Tue Dec 08, 2015 4:24 pm

I raid MC as 2h fury with slam. Windfury totem is required and so is sp_swingtimer.

I use OEB and a fair amount of def gear(not kidding). My dps gear isnt a full set yet, but I can still make top 10dps while off tanking on certain fights.

Good 2h fury warriors do not stay in bz stance 100% of the time. Be sure to hit the overpower procs when you are safe to avoid rage dump by swapping stances. Slamming at the correct time will result in your white hit hitting at the same time as your slam.

Rotation is complex:
Overpower if less than 25 rage in bz stance(or quickly dump rage) > BT > slam or ww(more than 1 creep)

I play from the u.s. and the lag isnt a hindrance.

something like this

Re: Slam build?

by vido » Tue Dec 08, 2015 5:49 pm

Slam always resets your swing timer, unlike other bugged servers you have to land it right after your last swing, so all SP_swingtimer is good for is knowing when you can hamstring or not.

There's a bug that happens often in raids (probably due to all the spellcasts going on) which causes a delay in processing your auto swing damage. You can see your enemy lose a chunk of health, but it doesn't show up as combat text until after a while and it also isn't picked up by any addons. I believe hunters encountered this issue on this server and a work-around was found that involved using a trigger that was based on ammo being depleted. This obviously doesn't apply to warriors, so it makes things pretty tricky.

Calling the "rotation" you posted complex doesn't do the real thing any kind of justice if you go into the details.

Overpower doesn't take priority over BT/WW, since you have 5s after a dodge so you can fit 3 globals before using a proc. You can always land HS + Slam to dump around 30 rage before you overpower or otherwise a BT/WW if it's off cooldown. If it comes down to it, blowing a full rage bar just to overpower is worth it with a 2h as long as you don't delay a BT/WW.

Even executing isn't a simple matter, since with stacked world buffs given the BRE proc I don't think it's worthwhile swapping DW for the execute phase and spamming it (especially since you're not specced into imp DW). Instead you continue with your regular rotation and you only consider using low rage executes.
Sergeant Major
Sergeant Major

Re: Slam build?

by vido » Tue Dec 08, 2015 7:28 pm

I changed my mind about execute swapping. I fixed some of the formulas I'm using which drastically improved execute spam dps relative to a regular rotation, so you would still want to swap to something like ZG set weapons or a perdition's blade + distracting dagger to spam executes with while keeping in mind that BT/WW is still priority over a higher rage cost execute.
Sergeant Major
Sergeant Major


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