Arms Warrior Questions

Arms Warrior Questions

by Trippa » Wed Dec 23, 2015 10:19 pm

I don't know all too much about warriors, so I figured I could ask more experience players here...
I'm currently rolling arms warrior, level 50 atm. Not sure why I haven't wondered about this until now, but recently I've been thinking.

What am I looking for in a weapon? high end dmg or dps? I recently got sulthraze, but people tell me not to replace my current weapon stoneslayer because the high end dmg is much higher and better as an arms warrior. Even though the dps is much bigger with sul'thraze. From my experience from questing with both weapons I feel like sulthraze kills mobs faster and generates rage better because of the speed, but then again stoneslayer have much bigger crits and burst dmg(also bigger hits in general).
( - stoneslayer)
( - sul'thraze the lasher)

And what attackspell should I prioritize/should be my main spell? Heroic strike, slam or mortal strike? Which should I "spam"? I'm mostly talking about PVE here, but does it differ in PVP? Currently i'm only using mortal strike on targets that can heal, wether it's pve or pvp, and spamming heroic strike on everything.

That was alot...but I'd appreciate if anyone could give me some answers hehe.

Re: Arms Warrior Questions

by Lingon » Wed Dec 23, 2015 11:09 pm

Heroic Strike is inferior to Mortal strike, since HS replaces a regular hit.
So, always use mortal strike when you can, and Whirlwnid if you have an excess of rage. Only when both of those abilites are on cooldown and you still have enough rage for the next one, consider a heroic strike.

With this in mind, you can test which really is better, but it'll indeed probably be the slow weapon coming out on top, as heroic strike works better with a fast weapon than a slow one.

Re: Arms Warrior Questions

by Trippa » Thu Dec 24, 2015 12:55 am

Lingon wrote:Heroic Strike is inferior to Mortal strike, since HS replaces a regular hit.
So, always use mortal strike when you can, and Whirlwnid if you have an excess of rage. Only when both of those abilites are on cooldown and you still have enough rage for the next one, consider a heroic strike.

With this in mind, you can test which really is better, but it'll indeed probably be the slow weapon coming out on top, as heroic strike works better with a fast weapon than a slow one.

Thanks alot man! So even though I usually use battle stance, I should switch to berserker stance when mortal strike is on CD to use whirlwind?

Re: Arms Warrior Questions

by Undertanker » Thu Dec 24, 2015 1:49 am

Fury - sulthaze.

Arms - Stoneslayer.

I preferred arms over fury in this lvl range as well due to being in a pvp server.

After i got Mortal Strike imp heroic strike was points not used. Almost never used it. I prefered imp rend to pair with deep wounds on start of fight. This gave consistent damage on a mob to reach execute phase quicker. Rather than burn a HS continue to rage pull, using MS, rend (never refresh), over power, MS then execute.

3 crit from zerk stance does not increase your overall damage by 10%, so i stayed in arms for less down time. Stance dance to WW (when you have sweeping strikes up) is nice. Charge, auto attack gives enough to pop sweeping, then stance dance bloodrage WW. It is best to use bloodrage afyer the stance dance to not consume your SS charges on autos. Burn the sweeping strike charges, go back to battle stance.

Note, just because you can execute, if it will die on next whote hit, let it. Rage pull not the next fight unless you anticipate a bandage/food/travel after the kill.
Stone Guard
Stone Guard

Re: Arms Warrior Questions

by Trippa » Thu Dec 24, 2015 3:12 am

Undertanker wrote:Fury - sulthaze.

Arms - Stoneslayer.

I preferred arms over fury in this lvl range as well due to being in a pvp server.

After i got Mortal Strike imp heroic strike was points not used. Almost never used it. I prefered imp rend to pair with deep wounds on start of fight. This gave consistent damage on a mob to reach execute phase quicker. Rather than burn a HS continue to rage pull, using MS, rend (never refresh), over power, MS then execute.

3 crit from zerk stance does not increase your overall damage by 10%, so i stayed in arms for less down time. Stance dance to WW (when you have sweeping strikes up) is nice. Charge, auto attack gives enough to pop sweeping, then stance dance bloodrage WW. It is best to use bloodrage afyer the stance dance to not consume your SS charges on autos. Burn the sweeping strike charges, go back to battle stance.

Note, just because you can execute, if it will die on next whote hit, let it. Rage pull not the next fight unless you anticipate a bandage/food/travel after the kill.

Wow that was some really good advice, appreciate it!
I was actually thinking of going fury instead and using sulthraze, but I guess you changed my mind about that. Although im mostly pve, so would fury 2h be better than arms anyway?

Re: Arms Warrior Questions

by hobedebobski » Thu Dec 24, 2015 5:50 pm

If your on the PvE server, go Fury with Sul'Thraze. If your on the PvP server, stay Arms.

Just because you prefer to PvE more, doesn't mean you won't be finding open-world fights while trying to level up, and Mortal Strike is too OP. Good luck with the leveling :)

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