Warrior distribution

Warrior distribution

by rgb192x3 » Mon Jan 18, 2016 5:59 pm

So just based on census data it looks like warriors are pretty popular. I'm leveling one on the PvE realm and I was wondering what the spec distribution is like at higher level ranges. I'd really honestly prefer playing DPS, but I also don't really want to flood more fury warriors into the pool. My main question is are there enough tanks post 50 that I wouldn't be shooting myself in the foot by deepsing. I don't want it to turn into a case every warrior being arms/fury, or spending a bunch of time gearing fury and not being able to do anything.

Re: Warrior distribution

by Heldunder » Mon Jan 18, 2016 8:48 pm

rgb192x3 wrote:So just based on census data it looks like warriors are pretty popular. I'm leveling one on the PvE realm and I was wondering what the spec distribution is like at higher level ranges. I'd really honestly prefer playing DPS, but I also don't really want to flood more fury warriors into the pool. My main question is are there enough tanks post 50 that I wouldn't be shooting myself in the foot by deepsing. I don't want it to turn into a case every warrior being arms/fury, or spending a bunch of time gearing fury and not being able to do anything.

your best bet is to gear for all three, and hope. you may get into a guild of people you like hanging out with and then they only need a tank, you dont want to lose a raid spot because you dont want to tank. or visa versa, prepare for either and hope for the best. make your gearing intentions clear but do what is needed of you.
Sergeant Major
Sergeant Major

Re: Warrior distribution

by DanielGames » Mon Jan 18, 2016 8:50 pm

I haven't played on the pve server for a while but a few months ago I could tell you that the server needed more lvl 60 horde tanks. Unless you had tank friends who'd tank dungeons for ya, my daily routine at 60 would be "healer lfg brd/ubrs/scholo/strath" then usually figure out no tanks were interested since all the current ones have the gear and all the other ones were already taken. The server population was fairly small (like maybe retail small/medium size iirc) if you just counted the 60s on horde side.
Zouleika - Troll Warrior "Requests curse of reck and tanks with a 2hander? I like this guy"
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Re: Warrior distribution

by Undertanker » Mon Jan 18, 2016 11:48 pm

Play the spec you want, but you will gear your fury spec faster if you tank the 5 mans and form the group yourself so there is not much competition for tank and fury loot.

Better than not running cause you take 45 min looking for a tank, and they too be after dps gear
Stone Guard
Stone Guard

Re: Warrior distribution

by itwasfree » Mon Jan 18, 2016 11:54 pm

Oh. That goes without saying. I absolutely plan to tank 5 mans and maintain a tank set. Partly why 31/3/17 appeals to me.

Tanking 5 mans is an absolute must. Quick groups, quick pulls, and no loot competition.
Senior Sergeant
Senior Sergeant

Re: Warrior distribution

by Undertanker » Wed Jan 20, 2016 7:20 pm

Perhaps go 31/5/15, with points evenly split 3/5 in def armor threat.
Stone Guard
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