Unlearning A Pet's Skills

Unlearning A Pet's Skills

by Shimmerleaf » Mon Jan 11, 2016 11:13 am

I recently taught my pet the ability cower to use in case of an emergency. I intended to use it for whenever it was low on health and needed attention to be drawn away from it. After testing it out, however, I discovered that my pet uses cower even when it is not activated. As a result, it is used alongside growl, making it less effective. I wanted my pet to unlearn it, but I found that the only way to do this was to go to the pet trainer and unlearn all of my pet's skills. I wish this was not necessary, but it seems to be the only way.

My concern is regarding training points. Would I have to spend them over again to have my pet relearn its skills? The more powerful ranks can be very costly, and to save up enough I would have to level my pet many times.
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Re: Unlearning A Pet's Skills

by DeeMarie » Mon Jan 11, 2016 12:39 pm

Your training points are refunded when ever you respec your pet, so you'll be able to put them all back in straight away. (I do this quite often if I want to switch between say FR and NR.)

It's the same as when we respec our talent points :)
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Sergeant Major
Sergeant Major

Re: Unlearning A Pet's Skills

by Shimmerleaf » Tue Jan 12, 2016 2:36 am

As this is the first time I am unlearning my pet's skills, I was not sure. Knowing that the training points will be refunded eases my concerns.

Thank you for your reply, DeeMarie!
Best of journeys in Azeroth, and may nature bless you.
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