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Re: please support my suggestion about leaf quest

PostPosted: Thu Dec 10, 2015 1:03 pm
by pantsman27
It wouldn't be blizz like if they increased it. The quest is meant to test you skill as a hunter and player. If you are incapable of completing the quest you aren't worthy of the reward.

Re: please support my suggestion about leaf quest

PostPosted: Thu Dec 10, 2015 3:17 pm
by Overtime
pantsman27 wrote:It wouldn't be blizz like if they increased it. The quest is meant to test you skill as a hunter and player. If you are incapable of completing the quest you aren't worthy of the reward.

People played a tad differently back then. The point was never to simulate standing in queue. Plus I don't remember ever not seeing the demons up in retail, there was handful of leafs per week and often people boosted them to each others when players lacked the skill.

Re: please support my suggestion about leaf quest

PostPosted: Thu Dec 10, 2015 7:51 pm
by Cysthen
Just get a Nightfall and bank your leaf. Problem Solved.

Re: please support my suggestion about leaf quest

PostPosted: Thu Dec 10, 2015 11:52 pm
by Drain
"It wouldn't be blizz like if they increased it. The quest is meant to test you skill as a hunter and player. If you are incapable of completing the quest you aren't worthy of the reward."
It's not blizzlike now. You're ignoring the population and just looking at the timers, exactly as the Nost staff did, which created this problem. They also ignored it for a stupidly long time, letting it get worse over time in a downward spiral, rather than just cut the timers to fix it.

On retail, you could just go to the spawns at any time, and they'd usually be up. People rarely fought a demon. People would have laughed at you if you suggested a queue list. The challenge, as intended, was in the fights themselves, not with the spawn times and competition. Here, it is the opposite. I'm not afraid of any of the demons. I'm afraid of how many OTHER people higher in the list are going to show up, meaning I won't even get to fight. This has nothing to do with being "worthy" or not. It has to do with whether or not it is your turn, like waiting in line for a register at Walmart.

You can't have a server more than twice the size of the largest retail servers yet use the same spawn timers. If you really want to be blizzlike, and refuse to cut these timers, then what you'd need to do is cap the server population and release more servers. That's what Blizzard did. You either do what they did, or you adapt to provide a comparable experience(aka cut down the timers). One or the other.

Re: please support my suggestion about leaf quest

PostPosted: Fri Dec 11, 2015 12:28 am
by Drain
13 Hunters at the spawn this time.


Re: please support my suggestion about leaf quest

PostPosted: Fri Dec 11, 2015 8:55 am
by idosky
I really hope they change this... its a really unpleasent experience... and absolutley nothing like it was back in Vanilla..

Re: please support my suggestion about leaf quest

PostPosted: Fri Dec 11, 2015 1:17 pm
by pantsman27
Drain wrote:"It wouldn't be blizz like if they increased it. The quest is meant to test you skill as a hunter and player. If you are incapable of completing the quest you aren't worthy of the reward."
It's not blizzlike now. You're ignoring the population and just looking at the timers, exactly as the Nost staff did, which created this problem. They also ignored it for a stupidly long time, letting it get worse over time in a downward spiral, rather than just cut the timers to fix it.

On retail, you could just go to the spawns at any time, and they'd usually be up. People rarely fought a demon. People would have laughed at you if you suggested a queue list. The challenge, as intended, was in the fights themselves, not with the spawn times and competition. Here, it is the opposite. I'm not afraid of any of the demons. I'm afraid of how many OTHER people higher in the list are going to show up, meaning I won't even get to fight. This has nothing to do with being "worthy" or not. It has to do with whether or not it is your turn, like waiting in line for a register at Walmart.

You can't have a server more than twice the size of the largest retail servers yet use the same spawn timers. If you really want to be blizzlike, and refuse to cut these timers, then what you'd need to do is cap the server population and release more servers. That's what Blizzard did. You either do what they did, or you adapt to provide a comparable experience(aka cut down the timers). One or the other.

I struggled to get the spawns just as much as everyone else. It's truly not difficult to complete the quest. If you lose a spawn to another player it only makes it easier for you to camp the next spawn. It would be unblizzlike to decrease the difficulty of the quest. And as I recall, there was some major disputes on the Dunemaul NA server back when hunters starting getting leaves. Getting cucked on a massive server like nostalrius is a given. If you can't handle the PvP and trolling around the demons then switch to the PvE server please. If it's just too difficult just have a member of your guild help you.I fought off several horde players with the assistance of a paladin friend of mine for the burning steppes demon. The leaf quest is definitely a test of your skill as a hunter. It is intensified by the massive population. And who says that there is a line for who gets the demons next? Anyone who has the quest has the ability to do the quest. There is no reason anyone should wait in line.

Re: please support my suggestion about leaf quest

PostPosted: Fri Dec 11, 2015 11:30 pm
by flomeyy
pantsman27 wrote:And who says that there is a line for who gets the demons next? Anyone who has the quest has the ability to do the quest. There is no reason anyone should wait in line.

If most of us thought like that, no one would ever finish this quest, that's guaranteed, now bugger off with your ignorance.. This isn't blizzlike at all.

Re: please support my suggestion about leaf quest

PostPosted: Sat Dec 12, 2015 3:57 am
by Drain
"If you can't handle the PvP and trolling around the demons then switch to the PvE server please."
Again, this has nothing to do with PvP, absolutely nothing. It has to do with spawn timers and the population. PvE would have the exact same problem if the server was as big. How is PvE going to address anything? Oh ya I'm not PvP tagged, great, I can't be attacked by all of these other Hunters that already don't attack me. And the demon can still be despawned exactly the same as before. Nothing is different.

"And who says that there is a line for who gets the demons next? Anyone who has the quest has the ability to do the quest. There is no reason anyone should wait in line."
Can you really be this stupid? Your signature says you're in Entitled. Isn't that a decent guild? We don't even fight each other at the spawns, because we're not this stupid. When there's 10 people at the damn spawn, and 1 autoshot can despawn the boss, trying to fight over them is the worst thing you could do. We really shouldn't have to explain any of these things to another Hunter. Do you also fight with Arcane Shot and wear the ZG set? If you do not list and wait your turn, you will probably never kill Klinfran, not unless you are INCREDIBLY lucky and no one else shows up. I have yet to ever see this occur. In fact I don't think I've ever seen less than 5+ at a spawn, and even that is rare. It's usually 10+.

Re: please support my suggestion about leaf quest

PostPosted: Sat Dec 12, 2015 5:34 pm
by pantsman27
Drain wrote:"If you can't handle the PvP and trolling around the demons then switch to the PvE server please."
Again, this has nothing to do with PvP, absolutely nothing. It has to do with spawn timers and the population. PvE would have the exact same problem if the server was as big. How is PvE going to address anything? Oh ya I'm not PvP tagged, great, I can't be attacked by all of these other Hunters that already don't attack me. And the demon can still be despawned exactly the same as before. Nothing is different.

"And who says that there is a line for who gets the demons next? Anyone who has the quest has the ability to do the quest. There is no reason anyone should wait in line."
Can you really be this stupid? Your signature says you're in Entitled. Isn't that a decent guild? We don't even fight each other at the spawns, because we're not this stupid. When there's 10 people at the damn spawn, and 1 autoshot can despawn the boss, trying to fight over them is the worst thing you could do. We really shouldn't have to explain any of these things to another Hunter. Do you also fight with Arcane Shot and wear the ZG set? If you do not list and wait your turn, you will probably never kill Klinfran, not unless you are INCREDIBLY lucky and no one else shows up. I have yet to ever see this occur. In fact I don't think I've ever seen less than 5+ at a spawn, and even that is rare. It's usually 10+.
I got 3 of my heads within 2 hours of each other and the fourth a few days later. I don't know why you had to insult my in your last post but these are my opinions. All of the hunters in my guild managed to get their quest done within 2 weeks. Whether you want to follow the 'list' or not, it's not impossible to finish the quest. I myself put my name on the list when it was still in its early days but most players did not follow the list forcing me to skip my place and get the tags. Try harder to get timers and get the tags faster. My winterspring demon required me to take out a few horde with my paladin friend. With patience and teamwork you will be able to get the heads.
Here is my realmplayers if you were wondering if I use the ZG set ... ayer=Pants

And once again, making changes to demon spawn times is blatantly unblizzlike. Just like nerfing DM North, or Bear crits.