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New Hunter Questions

PostPosted: Sat Feb 27, 2016 11:05 pm
by A1495
So I'm totally new to the game and planning to play hunter. I've been reading several threads/topic to know what to do with it and notice that some user says that you don't really need to learn all skill since some of them are either bug or useless ,so can you guys mind naming some?I'm playing on pve .Also any recommendation on what profession to take just for gold making ,I'm thinking of mining /herb but some post said that there so many player with the said profession and I'm going to have hard time farming nodes?

Re: New Hunter Questions

PostPosted: Sat Feb 27, 2016 11:14 pm
by Azgabast

For skills, you really want to level up aspect of the hawk, hunter's mark, serpent sting, arcane shot. At 30 you get feign death as well. Scare beast might be useful too, to escape some situations.
For gold making, I suggest you get 2 gathering professions. From my point of view, mining and herbalism should be the way to go.

I'm sure I've missed some important stuff but this should be useful.
Have fun!

Re: New Hunter Questions

PostPosted: Sun Feb 28, 2016 3:25 pm
by Gazpy
For maximum 'Efficiency', go Beastmastery, get the rank 1 arcane shot, Immolation trap max; Freezing trap Max; Wingclip r1; Aspect of the Hawk Max + Cheetah asap!; Multishot r1 (combo this with bear pet); Aswell get Raptor strike it's very juicy with 2 hander, (please do not learn mongoose bite at all, it's a waste of money) get DPS pet class (Cat, raptor, bear [only if you are multishot guru and love to micro your pet a lot])

At lvl 10 get anything you want as pet, at lvl 24 you should go get the Claw from ashenvale at 40 Swamp of sorrows. (Always buy the highest lvl food for your pet, that means the lvl 45)

As proffesions go I'd go with Herbalism only, skinning makes you cluster your bags to the point you don't know what to do with it, and mining, eh forces you to go somewhere around mountains you wouldn't like it there, believe me.

Use the taunt on your pet with reserve, as if you will go with tank and spank your pet will need to regen, I prefer that with the bear as you pull 2-3 targets at the same time, but with other powerhouses (Read cat and Rap"e"tor) you should go no taunt and wingclip kite, saves up most time + you look like fancy hunter + you'll learn some things aswell.

PS: Use bows, they are the best rewards from Q along the way + you can get some for freebie on AH, 2,3 speed is the average to minimum you should be looking for.

PSS: You can get Serpent sting if you want.

Re: New Hunter Questions

PostPosted: Sun Feb 28, 2016 11:09 pm
by A1495
Azgabast wrote:

Gazpy wrote:

Thank's really enjoying playing so far only downside is the huge ping but its playable .