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SWP in raids as sp

PostPosted: Wed Jan 13, 2016 7:32 pm
by farrsa
My guild is telling me not to use it - which is surprising to me because I always thought the one shadowpriest in the raid was allowed to use it. What's the math on this?

Also tbh I don't know the debuff mechanics properly - does it push off the locks' corruption? How are debuffs applied over other ones?

Re: SWP in raids as sp

PostPosted: Wed Jan 13, 2016 10:19 pm
by Fisher
There is a certain number of debuffs allowed on any one target. If I recall correctly, the debuff cap is currently 16. Shadow Word: Pain consumes one of these debuff slots. Other important debuffs, like Sunder Armor, Improved Shadow Bolt, Curse of Shadows, Curse of Elements, etc, also take up these debuff slots.

Generally a shadow priest's role is to maintain Shadow Weaving to boost the warlocks' damage. If your group can afford one debuff slot, then use Shadow Word: Pain. Otherwise, just use Mind Flay to keep up Shadow Weaving.

Re: SWP in raids as sp

PostPosted: Wed Jan 13, 2016 11:10 pm
by Ana
The SWP vs Corruption math is pretty complicated but they break out roughly even (possibly slightly in favor of SWP). If you have many warlocks in the raid, you can probably argue that some of them should suck it up and spec DS/ruin, it's certainly more optimal than you sitting there losing 150 dps because they desperately need their Nightfall procs (which aren't even that amazing).
SWP is pretty high prio, iirc it might knock off winters chill. It won't touch sunders or curses.

Re: SWP in raids as sp

PostPosted: Thu Jan 14, 2016 1:37 pm
by Lardin
swp will knock off corruption because it does more dmg on its own. as the poster above me mentioned they may be roughly en par with sw:p coming out ahead on a spell vs spell comparison.

now why are you not allowed to use it? did they tell you what spell is more imporant than sw:p? does your guild have thunderfury (wasting 1 slot)?

sw:p should not remove non-dots so most important debuffs will get prio over it. there are other debuffs with questionable viablity like mortal strike, hunter's mark, paladin judgements, etc.

a priest should do roughly 60% of a regular dps+15% to all locks. depending on the number of warlocks in the raid keeping a priest just for shadow weaving may not break even. so you either take more locks, let the priest dps or raid without one.

Re: SWP in raids as sp

PostPosted: Fri Jan 15, 2016 12:08 am
by Mase
SWP is the hardest hitting dot in the game and should be given priority over one of the locks corruptions. Besides not every lock in your raid should be Sm/ruin.

Re: SWP in raids as sp

PostPosted: Sat Jan 16, 2016 10:41 am
by kanem
Mase wrote:SWP is the hardest hitting dot in the game and should be given priority over one of the locks corruptions. Besides not every lock in your raid should be Sm/ruin.

Spriests are like hunters with tranq, you bring one because of shadowweaving not their individual dps. If DS/Ruin locks are putting up corruption they aren't doing it right. SM/Ruin locks need to put up corruption to proc nightfall moreso than the dps from their dot. SWP isn't a priority in raids. Spriests are a debuff biatch, and their dps is not a concern. Either heal or get used to your utility role.

Re: SWP in raids as sp

PostPosted: Sat Jan 16, 2016 6:45 pm
by Dodgemade
wow somoene hates spriest

Re: SWP in raids as sp

PostPosted: Sat Jan 16, 2016 7:51 pm
by Ana
Probably some warlock getting salty about being outdpsed by a spriest even despite abusing the benefit of shadow weaving :P

Re: SWP in raids as sp

PostPosted: Sun Jan 17, 2016 3:51 am
by mystgunner
kanem wrote:
Mase wrote:SWP is the hardest hitting dot in the game and should be given priority over one of the locks corruptions. Besides not every lock in your raid should be Sm/ruin.

Spriests are like hunters with tranq, you bring one because of shadowweaving not their individual dps. If DS/Ruin locks are putting up corruption they aren't doing it right. SM/Ruin locks need to put up corruption to proc nightfall moreso than the dps from their dot. SWP isn't a priority in raids. Spriests are a debuff biatch, and their dps is not a concern. Either heal or get used to your utility role.

Spriest are brought for shadow weaving but also their individual dps, which can be decent. SWP should definitely have a slot on bosses over corruption.

Re: SWP in raids as sp

PostPosted: Sun Jan 17, 2016 6:05 am
by kanem
TBH guys it isn't really a big deal. Corruption provides instant shadowbolts for SM/Ruin locks. DS/Ruin shouldn't even be putting it up. When ignite comes out it needs to be protected, but mages are frost so honestly I don't know why any raidleader would be making a big deal about it. I was just trying to explain to you all why a gm wouldn't allow a priest to put up swp.